Sunday, July 27, 2014

How Much Will You Whine?

"After you get stung, you can't get unstung
no matter how much you whine about it."

Sue Monk Kidd
The Secret Lives of Bees

When talking about drama, Eckhart Tolle states we can limit our 'bee stings' by the amount of energy we put into a negative trigger.   If we get stuck and invest a lot of emotion into a situation, it will spin into a deepening drama.  On the other hand, if we pull back observing the broader scenario, we can more easily gather necessary information and then move on.  A situation can be as painful as we decide to make it.

This somewhat coincides with staying in the moment. Fear will do its best to distract us into overwhelming predictions of failure or strife.  In the moment, right this minute, what do we need to face?  Do not let emotions carry the challenge into the future accompanied by 'what if'!

When we fall into denial, become paralyzed with fear, or distract our selves through addictions, situations can snowball rather quickly.  By staying in the moment, realistically evaluating the predicament, we may need courage or assistance, but the resolution will surface with less stress and worry.

We will get stung by life, but our chosen response will determine the length of our whine.

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