Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Collapse of Structure

"Just for today,
let go of your version
of how life is supposed to be."

Life becomes remarkably different when we step out of our routines or let go of a particular mind set.  We think if we remain rigid, and enforce tight control, our lives will remain on track.  This simply isn't true. If the point of life is to discover, explore, and create, how does one accomplish that by stifling influences, experiences, and random encounters with brilliance.  The more rigid we are, the less access we will have to the ebb and flow of a full life.

What would a day look like if we got up wondering what life would bring to us.  What if our emotion  was wonderment and not dread or fear.  Does it sound more invigorating to remain tightly in a box or to bounce out into the land of anything good can happen!

We fill our thoughts with illusions of being safe if we stay small; if we are invisible; or if we never speak our truth.  The amazing thing is that by growing into our selves, by being present in out life, and by using our voice,  we create a strength that is no illusion.

When we structure our lives with calendars, events, and schedules we may believe this will keep our lives away from disaster.  If we truly believe this, a time will arrive when we discover this structure is fantasy.  Life happens.  Life interferes with the best laid plans of mice and men.  Accidents, surprises, windfalls all happen in spite of the structure we keep.

It would be most helpful if we would take the energy we use to maintain this false control, and use it for exploration of a more enriched life.  Not in a monetary way, but in the sense of connection, community, personal exchange and simply wisdom received in exposure to random learning.

Instead of focusing of on remaining on the track, begin to wonder where other tracks lead.  Become an adventurer and explore life as it enhances the life we choose to live.

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