Thursday, July 17, 2014

Swallowing Words

"He or she must learn to hear the 'unspoken voice' of the body.
The key to healing is to be found in 'deciphering this nonverbal realm.'"

Peter Levine

As years pass by, I find attending to gatherings to be more and more difficult.  Inevitably, I find my self to be anxious and wishing I were at home reading a good book.  Even in the midst of loved ones, solitude calls out to me.

"So what is it you like to do," I am asked.  "
"I love to write," I simply reply.
"Oh, biking is so healthy for you," comes the quick response.
"No, I said write," raising my voice slightly.
"Oh, so sorry.  I just am surprised a woman your age would still enjoy a good hike!"

I swallow my annoyance,  along with any other well intended words.  I can't help, but wonder if writing is so far down on some one's list of enjoyment, it never gets considered?  People asking the questions, are they simply disinterested and therefore, not paying attention or caring?  This is such a waste of precious words and time.

I would so much rather quietly exchange words on paper, better defining how different we all are ... and that is okay.  Releasing my 'swallowed' words onto a page, frees me and lets my light shine brighter.  Yes, this is who I am and whom I am meant to be.  It doesn't matter if even just one person fails to understand, as I am my own witness.  I am enough.

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