Monday, July 14, 2014

Leading Role: Worthiness or Sabotage

"How often do you see people reaching the pinnacle of success only to blow up their lives?

Understand that there are two times in life when it (saboteur) is most likely to kick in:
When things are getting really good.
When you are about to have a breakthrough."

Panache Desai

We struggle to establish our sense of worthiness, and then undermine ourselves.  An opportunity comes along and we advance towards it, only to hear our inner criticism and judgement.  "Who do you think you are?  You will never be able to do this successfully!"  The voice in our head goes round and round chanting negatives until it wears us down.  With this self-sabotaging, we can never gracefully welcome or accept any happiness or joy into our lives.  

When we learn to dispel our sabotaging ways, we allow ourselves to open to the abundance the world provides for us.  In being human, we experience both the challenge and a reward as it unfolds.  We will experience a connection with all things and not feel so separate in our life.  We will take better care of ourselves through appropriate nurturing and nourishment.

Th saboteur does not give up easily, so rest assured a maintenance plan needs to be created.  It helps to monitor our thoughts especially when we are about to succeed in any matter great or small.  When we have a revelation or insight,  we simply do not trust ourselves, and manage to convince our brain that what we just thought of a minute ago as inspiration was really nonsense.

This happens to all human beings.  We all experience the ebb and flow of life.  When we view every situation as a learning experience, rather than a punishment or reward,  we learn through each process.

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