Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sun Rising Out of Horizon

"Because there's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean
refuses to stop kissing the shoreline,
no matter how many times it's sent away."

Sarah Kay

It is a great feeling to have water wash over my well warmed skin from the sun.  The waves lick at my feet as they dig into the sand, walking along the shore.  The sound of water is music to my ears.

The same can be said about the impact writing has upon me.  The words of others wash over me and tickle my curiosity.  I dig in deeper to help me experience the words through imaginative rhythm, the  touch of the page, and the smell of the book.

I was skimming through Facebook, dodging all of the critical comments, connecting with friends, and seeking triggers to ignite my soul presence.  Embracing the lovely pictures, digesting quoted words, but still seeking.  Finally, a sun rose out of the horizon and illuminated wisdom.

I encourage you to visit the website entitled  Her Strange Angels.  It is filled with amazing  art work and well written words.  This site is also on Pinterest if you like to follow it.  Either way or not at all, I have been blessed to come across this lovely blog: 

I hope you enjoy visiting this blog as much as I did.  Let me know what you think! 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Lesson of Wisdom Learned

 But How

It is said that souls intent
on living will reach deep into
their wound and bring out the
fire living there, which out in
the open turns to light.

Mark Nepo
Seven Thousand Ways To Listen

Part of the human experience is to be impacted by a multitude of emotions and unsuspecting events.  Our lives are touched by sorrow, loss, and  grieving,  and how we respond to these emotions shape our lives.  If we choose to repress our aches, pains, lacerations, and bruises, our lives will be led in a certain direction until we can stand it no more, and make a different choice.  Our second choice is to excavate the restrictions preventing us from enjoying life fully.

It is one thing to take circumstances in stride, feeling them deeply, but moving on with healing.  It is something else if the events in our lives are simply repressed.   Whether these events remain in our subconscious or current awareness, they heavily drain our energy and alter the fullness of life experience.  

When we ignore the damage of harmful  life experiences,  similar circumstances will keep appearing until we find permanent resolve once and for all.  We may revisit the situation numerous times:  for forgiveness of others; for forgiveness of self; to release guilt or shame; and to reframe the happening with a lesson or wisdom learned.

I truly wish we could all experience therapeutic intervention on a regular basis.  When we reclaim old parts of our selves. our energy is rekindled and we are more apt to push forward.  If not with a therapist, then with a trusted friend.  If we feel our issues are too intimate to be shared out loud, than by all means begin to journal or paint or play a musical instrument or dance.  Creative expression is a wonderful tool to release whatever is stored within.

The message?  Listen to our lovely selves.  We all have a story to share in any way imaginable other than repeatedly harming ourselves.  Put an end to the repetitious behaviors and thoughts that harm our self-expression.  Visualize a better scenario, one filled with personal power and freedom to be!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Collapse of Structure

"Just for today,
let go of your version
of how life is supposed to be."

Life becomes remarkably different when we step out of our routines or let go of a particular mind set.  We think if we remain rigid, and enforce tight control, our lives will remain on track.  This simply isn't true. If the point of life is to discover, explore, and create, how does one accomplish that by stifling influences, experiences, and random encounters with brilliance.  The more rigid we are, the less access we will have to the ebb and flow of a full life.

What would a day look like if we got up wondering what life would bring to us.  What if our emotion  was wonderment and not dread or fear.  Does it sound more invigorating to remain tightly in a box or to bounce out into the land of anything good can happen!

We fill our thoughts with illusions of being safe if we stay small; if we are invisible; or if we never speak our truth.  The amazing thing is that by growing into our selves, by being present in out life, and by using our voice,  we create a strength that is no illusion.

When we structure our lives with calendars, events, and schedules we may believe this will keep our lives away from disaster.  If we truly believe this, a time will arrive when we discover this structure is fantasy.  Life happens.  Life interferes with the best laid plans of mice and men.  Accidents, surprises, windfalls all happen in spite of the structure we keep.

It would be most helpful if we would take the energy we use to maintain this false control, and use it for exploration of a more enriched life.  Not in a monetary way, but in the sense of connection, community, personal exchange and simply wisdom received in exposure to random learning.

Instead of focusing of on remaining on the track, begin to wonder where other tracks lead.  Become an adventurer and explore life as it enhances the life we choose to live.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Humility and Greatness

"Real greatness is in simplicity and supportive words.
It is in firm encouragement and gentle patience.
It is finding God in the midst of turmoil."

Alan Cohen
The  Dragon Doesn't Live Here Anymore

More media coverage is being given to those who have given their best without any concern for personal safety, reward or award.  The 'unsung heroes' are being recognized as well as those who have been supporting the homeless  or working in a humble way to create peace.

Some set themselves up as heroes in politics or organizations, and eventually experience a fall from grace or the true intentions are disclosed.  Greatness can be found  in the human spirit of every day humble people.  It can be seen or felt if we pay attention.  

During hardships, we readily turn to God for intervention.  What we often times forget, however, is that God often appears behind the face of a stranger or friend.   Guidance or direction can be spoken by God through the lips of any one, so it is important to listen carefully.  Intervention can be available when we least expect it.

When in discord, be patient with the circumstances and open both ears extra wide to hear the encouragement of others.  God shares greatness in various ways:  words in a paragraph upon a page, in a painting or beautiful landscape.  After we ask for help, simple awareness will detect greatness as it is present in both joy and turmoil.  

Sunday, July 27, 2014

How Much Will You Whine?

"After you get stung, you can't get unstung
no matter how much you whine about it."

Sue Monk Kidd
The Secret Lives of Bees

When talking about drama, Eckhart Tolle states we can limit our 'bee stings' by the amount of energy we put into a negative trigger.   If we get stuck and invest a lot of emotion into a situation, it will spin into a deepening drama.  On the other hand, if we pull back observing the broader scenario, we can more easily gather necessary information and then move on.  A situation can be as painful as we decide to make it.

This somewhat coincides with staying in the moment. Fear will do its best to distract us into overwhelming predictions of failure or strife.  In the moment, right this minute, what do we need to face?  Do not let emotions carry the challenge into the future accompanied by 'what if'!

When we fall into denial, become paralyzed with fear, or distract our selves through addictions, situations can snowball rather quickly.  By staying in the moment, realistically evaluating the predicament, we may need courage or assistance, but the resolution will surface with less stress and worry.

We will get stung by life, but our chosen response will determine the length of our whine.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Not In Control

"A shift in energy is always followed 
by a change in reality."

Panache Desai

We look forward to change when it is our idea or a controlled situation, but life is constant change not necessarily arranged for our liking.  It is difficult to embrace change with fear building a barrier.  We begin to imagine everything that could possibly go wrong and miss the the value of creation of new life surrounding us.

We are better off if we embrace change and trust in the process.  When we have no control this is difficult to do, but truly the best way to adapt.  Change is a current pulling us through life, helping us to navigate where we are called to go.  Sadly, we resist sudden motion by kicking and screaming.  

Life can be more exciting if we acknowledge change is coming, and instead of letting fear pull us off course, fill our minds with forthcoming possibilities.  We can wonder about what we will learn or the purpose of this adjustment.  Will it lead us to new relationships, lessons, happiness or joy?  If we choose to remain positive,  Divine Spirit can deliver us to a new beginning without drama, hysterics, or anything that may cause intense disruption.  

There is much to be said about 'going with the flow' for a safe passage.  If we move with the shifting current, our experience will be less stressful and the gifts of change will be more recognizable.  We are not in control and never will be.  Life will be more inspiring if we just release our deadly grips and enjoy wherever life takes us.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Master the Art of Play

"Most of us harbor a secret belief 
that work has to be work and not play,
and that anything we really want to do 
~like write, act dance~
must be considered frivolous
and be placed a distant second.
This is not true."

Julia Cameron

I am an artist in that I have mastered the art of play.  Sometimes I get overwhelmed trying to decide between the options for play.  I like to water color, sketch and draw.  In the winter I truly enjoy knitting various projects.  Weekly, I arrange flowers to place around the house.  

Some forms of play I enjoy so much I will use an entire day for shopping, browsing, or antiquing.  To escape into a book or to write random entries in a journal also give me great pleasure.  While walking in the neighborhood or in a park, I like to take pictures.  Decorating an area of the house or setting a pretty dinner table is also a form of play.  Even basic play like coloring or jig saw puzzles are a delight!  

Julia Cameron really stresses the need for an artist's date which gives me permission to plan even more creative play.  I enjoy going to the Goodwill Bookstore holding myself captive, away from distractions, while sitting in a booth enjoying personal writing time.  I will take a break and browse their book selection and then settle back into writing some more.  

Playing is good for the soul.  It is helpful in releasing stress or worries about the future.  It is an opportunity to both give and receive.  I hereby give you permission to set up a play day for your lovely self.  Now follow through.  Get creative and find a way to begin frivolous play!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Volumes Found in Dreams

"I'm gone, lost, floating away into nothingness 
like I am in my dream, but this time it's a good 
feeling ~ like soaring, like being totally free.

Lauren Oliver
Before I Fall

In the day time, a person can meditate or contemplate in nature feeling totally connected with all things.  It is a calming experience, one that cleans the slate of our busy minds.  In dream time, we can experience a more liberating experience of body, mind, and soul.  We can fly like an eagle or run like a deer.  Our mind can be more  expansive than ever dreamed possible.  The soul is much more liberal in choreographing experiences with heightened senses.  As an awakened spiritual creation, we are exposed beyond imagination.

In dreamtime, we can billow in the wind as a long silk scarf or bubble up upon the shore as the foam of a wave.  We can experience all things soft as gentle like the clouds floating in the sky, but we can also feel our hearts race as we find ourselves harbored in the branches of a tree with a barking rabid dog nipping at our feet.  All things are possible, and nothing needs to make perfect sense.

To take the time to understand our dreams, we are exposed to volumes of information.  Whether it is collective information or intimately personal, deciphering the material can be quite rewarding.  I kept dream journals for seven years.  I would interpret my dream upon awakening, writing as much as I could remember, and even more details would surface.  If I were working or traveling, I would record my dream, but maybe not look at it for several days.  

When we harvest our dreams, going back over fields of material, we often find a thread running through them all.  A thread we might not see from day to day exploring.  A color of the thread often times can be seen only from a distance.

Each morning we can find meaning in our previous night's dream, but when it is viewed in the context of additional dreams,  a more complete meaning may appear.  In this way, we soon discover that our nocturnal adventures are not as random as one may think.  

Often times we are so busy looking for a teacher, we over look the wisdom within our own hearts.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Departure from Comfort

"Feel the fear and do it anyway."
Dr. Susan  Jeffers

It is wise for one to be able to discern the difference between our body detecting a fearful situation with risk involved, and our ego throwing up barriers preventing our departure from comfort zones.  Indeed we must be aware for safety's sake, but we must be careful to not miss creative experiences.

We learn more out side of our comfort zones.  There is such a thing as getting too comfortable and settling in to just our own opinions and perspectives.  Then we run the risk of becoming rigid and defensive impairing both our selves as well as others.

When we muster up the courage to step through our personal fear while silencing our ego, we can find a land of opportunity.  We can be an explorer and discover new ways of navigating through life.  Our minds will thrive with new information and we grow bold enough to express a new version of our selves ... polished and pruned.

Exposure to new ways of doing things can be liberating or validating what we already hold true.  Once we allow our theories to be challenged, we feel a new strength rather than the crush of fear.  The ego uses fear to keep us small, redundant and stale.  It is difficult to leave our perfect nest, risking change.  And yet, we are called over and over to break out of our routine, to discover anew.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Declining Small Gifts

"In order to thrive as artists - and one could argue,
as people - we need to be available to the 
universal flow.  When we put a stopper on our
capacity for joy by declining the small gifts
of life, we turn aside the larger gifts as well."

Julia Cameron

We are all artists whether we are chefs, teachers, mothers, etc...  Creativity of some sort is bred into all of us.  And like other qualities, it needs to be fed, stretched, and active.  When we are not using the 'artist within' we are cutting off the natural flow of life.  

We have a tendency to reduce the time for creativity as though it were lesser than other daily demands.  This is being unfair to ourselves, a deprivation of who we are meant to be.  Each day, hours may be secured for specific movement, but if there if we lack creative movement, we are not living to the fullest.

Accepting commitment and obligation is necessary, but so is sanctioning off a small piece of time for a quick moment to kindle passion.  Whatever ability you have, whether it is paint, sing, or dance, briefly close the eyes and perform on the darkened screen of the mind.  Even if hiking or running or biking happens to be the way passion is expressed,  see the self on the screen acting out personal dreams.  Just a few minutes a day. 

If we continue to minimize our creative passions, they can so easily slide away.  We begin to close our eyes to the smaller inspirations, which then leads us to overlook the larger delights.  A few minutes a day, come on.  You can do it!  I know you can! 

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Law of Journey, Mark Nepo

"Let us present the same face to everyone."
Lao Tzu

Mark Nepo is one of my most favorite inspirational writers.  Generally, I can pick up any one of his books, and immediately tune in to what he is sharing.  This morning I chose his book, FINDING INNER COURAGE.  He was embracing cultural anthropologist, Angeles Arrien's theory about indigenous cultures sharing a common description of the cycle of experience.  "Though stated and honored in many ways, that central wisdom essentially says:  what is not integrated is repeated."  

Nepo refers to Arrien's work as 'the law of journey'.  He states that what we fail to experience or express during the course of our life will move through our hands, out onto the earth.  How I interpret what I learn or don't learn will be incorporated into my behaviors.  The point is the necessity to deal with whatever comes our way in that moment.  If we neglect it, it will simply return and the unresolved issue is carried through us to others.  When we find understanding in the pause of the moment, our wisdom is passed along rather than our broken conceptions.  

We always have choice, says Mark Nepo, to integrate and join what is brought to us or to hide and disintegrate.  What we face in ourselves will keep us from spreading it to others.  When we feel broken, we see the world as broken.  When we view our life as being full and joyful, we begin to see the world as full and joyful.

The goal is to maintain inner courage while facing our humanness and to integrate what we learn to strengthen the connection between all living things.  In order to 'present the same face to everyone' as Lao Tzu says, we are encouraged to join and integrate rather than hide and disengage.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


"The most uncomfortable situations in life
hold the greatest potential for growth."

Panache Desai

We have a tendency to surround ourselves by like minded people which might keep us in a vacuum.  If we do not expose our selves to different thinkers, cultures, or organizations, we are limiting our exposure to the cross sections of life.  

Differences offer us the opportunity to stretch and grow, even if it feels uncomfortable.  When we are in the presence of someone who is quite contrary or extremely versed in something we don't care about, we feel it in our solar plexus.  We are triggered in our bellies and we want to run away.  If we remain present and use our energy to stand still with an open mind,  the truth will finally register with us in terms of what is at the heart of the matter.  Rather than distracting our selves, we can use this opportunity to learn more about our selves.   The key is to not shut down.

When we remain present in a situation where we are not comfortable, we can learn to over come whatever fear is being triggered.  What is this about?  Pause, waiting to see what may surface.  The more we can identify what makes us uncomfortable, truth will arrive and  provide a surge of energy with this potential for growth.   

As we work on this issue of thriving even when uncomfortable, we become more authentic.  This new strength allows us to be comfortable any where with any thing.  It will not be as critical for us to be understood or accepted by others.  

In his book, DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL SIGNATURE, Panache Desai discloses "I don't want to be anywhere in the world where I am not at home.  I'm here.  I'm real.  Deal with me." Great attitude!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Grounded In Spirit

"In order for the mind to see light instead of darkness,
the soul must be turned away from this world, until
its eye can learn to contemplate the true reality and
the supreme good.  Hence there may well be an art
whose aim would be to affect this very thing."


I have decided to embrace all parts of my lovely self ... the good the bad, and the ugly.  I am going to bring everything together to form a balance of my true nature.  Courage will stand next to fear to escort it to an appropriate place within me.  

My bare feet stand upon Mother Earth digging deep roots to her center.  I feel her lively energy as it courses through my veins.  I stretch my arms above my head,  reaching for all that it holy.  I invite the sacred to descend through my body, heart, and soul.  Together these energies flowing through  me, thoroughly ground me in Spirit.

When I am in this place,  I know without a doubt that I can simply choose to accept life's blessing with a sense of worthiness.   I feel confident I can face challenges in life seeking wisdom rather than punishment or blame.  

I am joined with spirit from above and from below.  I experience the Oneness of all there is no matter how it may appear.  In this space in time, I embrace everyone and everything as they too can join me, grounded in spirit.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Different, And Yet The Same

"You don't raise heroes, you raise sons.
And if you treat them like sons,
they'll turn out to be heroes,
even if it's just in your own eyes.” 

 Walter M. Schirra, Sr.

I am the mother of three sons and one daughter.  Today is my youngest son's birthday.  It is difficult to embrace the fact that he is now 37 years old.  How can this be?  It seems like only yesterday, Matthew  ('Gift of God') was presented to me.

My son is tall, nicely built, and handsome, still smiling as he did when he was two.  He was a very peaceful child and highly creative which still remains true.  Perhaps he is best described by the words of his son.  At Ezekiel's, my grand son, kindergarten graduation, on stage he was asked who he wanted to grow up to be like.  He instantly replied, "I want to be like my dad and help people."  What else would a parent long to hear?

One never tires of watching their children grow.  I am no different.  I watch Matthew unfold, face his challenges, and observe what he holds dear.  He has the proverbial 'green thumb' and successfully plants a wonderful vegetable garden every year, donating tomatoes from 70 plants to Habitat for Humanity.  His two children have their own garden so I know his abilities are gently being passed down.  He is an exceptional craftsman who once carved bowls, cabinets, tables, and pens.  He has very little time for that now, but I suspect once his children are older, he will pick up his tools again.

Where did you come from, my son?  How is it you know what you do?  Do you still connect with the stars and watch the evening's setting sun?  Are you still barefoot walking upon  the earth as though it were sacred.?  I know you have taught both children to drum, and I can't help but wonder what else they will learn from your connection with nature.

Matthew carries his light into  darkness as challenges come and go.  He is more gentle with others, than with his own soul.  This little light of mine, let him shine, let him shine. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Swallowing Words

"He or she must learn to hear the 'unspoken voice' of the body.
The key to healing is to be found in 'deciphering this nonverbal realm.'"

Peter Levine

As years pass by, I find attending to gatherings to be more and more difficult.  Inevitably, I find my self to be anxious and wishing I were at home reading a good book.  Even in the midst of loved ones, solitude calls out to me.

"So what is it you like to do," I am asked.  "
"I love to write," I simply reply.
"Oh, biking is so healthy for you," comes the quick response.
"No, I said write," raising my voice slightly.
"Oh, so sorry.  I just am surprised a woman your age would still enjoy a good hike!"

I swallow my annoyance,  along with any other well intended words.  I can't help, but wonder if writing is so far down on some one's list of enjoyment, it never gets considered?  People asking the questions, are they simply disinterested and therefore, not paying attention or caring?  This is such a waste of precious words and time.

I would so much rather quietly exchange words on paper, better defining how different we all are ... and that is okay.  Releasing my 'swallowed' words onto a page, frees me and lets my light shine brighter.  Yes, this is who I am and whom I am meant to be.  It doesn't matter if even just one person fails to understand, as I am my own witness.  I am enough.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I'm Third Award

"I'm Third" Award stands for:
God first, others second,
I'm third."

The "I'm Third" Award was created after a pilot who's plane was malfunctioning at an air show, rather than ejecting  and saving his own life,  he crashed it away from the crowd and surrounding homes in self-sacrifice.

My niece, Alexandra (Alex) just received the "I'm Third" award after a month's stay at her favorite camp.  She is an athlete, a scholar, but most importantly, a very special soul.  She is reserved,  and conservative, but never hesitates to reach out to assist another.

Positive attention is not always highlighted in the news, especially about teens.  Almost anywhere, we can find articles about teen drugs, destruction and suicide.  How unfortunate the media does not emphasize or even address the majority of teens doing wonderful things.   It could well be that these very teens promoting honor and respect for all, decline any opportunity for recognition.  Their hearts are reaching out with simple kindness, taking their actions as what could be the norm, and not see any need for acknowledgement.  

Those who silently help others are rewarded, not necessarily with money or promotion, but by intangible benefits that can never be taken away.  The "I'm Third" Award is an honor my niece can continue to carry with  her throughout her life ... not growing too old nor losing a particular skill.  This validation can encourage her to enhance her appreciation for others without any sense of competitiveness or judgement.  I could not be any more proud of her, and hope I can be more like her.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

One Size Does Not Fit All

"All of us are creative.  Just
as blood is a fact of your
physical body and nothing
you invented,  creativity is
a fact of your spiritual body
and nothing that you must invent."

Julia Cameron

Human beings enter this world with gifts, talents, or strengths, which ever word  one may choose.  The time we spend during this existence is used to discover and decipher these inner qualities.  Some of us take them for granted, assuming "If I can do it, anyone can!"  This simply is not true.  What happens to come easy for one, may be quite difficult for one other.  

Once discovered, we then need to discern how we can best use our specialty.  If it is not tangible or obvious, it may be more difficult to find appropriate support.  When we do not have others who honor our ability, we quickly learn to devalue or hide it.  If we are brave and mention our desire, others may inform us that it is or the other sex or not a profitable field to enter.  We quickly learn to repress our interests.

A day comes when we finally unpack our passion, casting off all the old debris piled on top of it from neglect.  We rekindle our fascination with the sense of becoming truly alive.  All of us will not be rocket scientists or rock stars, but when we choose to develop our skills we fulfilling our destiny.  We are contributing to the world our creative energy no matter how great or small.  It is utilizing our inner stirrings to be all we were meant to be. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Leading Role: Worthiness or Sabotage

"How often do you see people reaching the pinnacle of success only to blow up their lives?

Understand that there are two times in life when it (saboteur) is most likely to kick in:
When things are getting really good.
When you are about to have a breakthrough."

Panache Desai

We struggle to establish our sense of worthiness, and then undermine ourselves.  An opportunity comes along and we advance towards it, only to hear our inner criticism and judgement.  "Who do you think you are?  You will never be able to do this successfully!"  The voice in our head goes round and round chanting negatives until it wears us down.  With this self-sabotaging, we can never gracefully welcome or accept any happiness or joy into our lives.  

When we learn to dispel our sabotaging ways, we allow ourselves to open to the abundance the world provides for us.  In being human, we experience both the challenge and a reward as it unfolds.  We will experience a connection with all things and not feel so separate in our life.  We will take better care of ourselves through appropriate nurturing and nourishment.

Th saboteur does not give up easily, so rest assured a maintenance plan needs to be created.  It helps to monitor our thoughts especially when we are about to succeed in any matter great or small.  When we have a revelation or insight,  we simply do not trust ourselves, and manage to convince our brain that what we just thought of a minute ago as inspiration was really nonsense.

This happens to all human beings.  We all experience the ebb and flow of life.  When we view every situation as a learning experience, rather than a punishment or reward,  we learn through each process.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

A New Kind of Bling!

if i could

if i could teach you anything- it would be to hear your heart, and know your beauty and to believe in your possibilities
—terri st. cloud, bone sigh arts

Current philosophy states that we are mirrors to each other, reflecting our true self ... the good, the bad, and the ugly.  If I could, I would create a gadget to be attached to the mirror.  So when we gaze into another person's eyes and see our selves, we could also hear a whispering of all the kind things we had done that day.  It would be a gentle reminder of positive actions no matter how small instead of running a negative drama repeatedly in our heads.

When we greet people in the morning or at work or the places in between, how much more impactful would it be to say, "You are a good person," rather than, "You are looking good!"  Once again, we would be shifting attention away from our masks and zeroing in on what is truly important.

It takes great effort and practice to become vulnerable, to expose our essence.  To be able to project the sense of self from inside to the outside without shame, guilt or fear would be liberating.  The jeweled bling on your fingers or wrists would not be the extended light.  The flash of radiance would be coming from the kindness in our heart.

In my quest for learning from others, I desire to experience who you are within and not just the designer of your clothes.  I am curious as to where you have been, who has been uplifting, what new dreams manifested, and when you became comfortable in your own skin.  

When people think of being a truth-teller,  they often say they don't want to tell the truth and hurt some one's feelings.  This is an immediate indication one's skills must be adjusted.  Truth-telling requires listening and awareness.  We listen to someone until we hear or see a spark of goodness.  We compliment it, not giving advice or guidance about any inconsistencies we may discover.  Our goal would be to highlight kindness, hoping the person would pull energy from personal negative thinking and invest it into a better sense of self.  In this transaction, both people involved are called to kindness.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

I Will Meet You There

"Out beyond ideas of wrong and right doing
there is a field.
I'll meet you there."


Rumi shared prolific writings and there are so many that are dear to me.  This particular Rumi quote, "Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing there is a field.  I'll meet you there," is not really my favorite, but I love it.  For many years, it accompanied my signature.

To me it suggests the desire to be surrounded by positive people.   Individuals gravitating toward  the positive and who are willing to be vulnerable.  Hearing, second hand, every persons mishaps, disasters, and battles is a total drain.  We need to thrive on the examples of accessing dreams or making a difference in our inner landscapes.  There is no better investment than our selves.  

To hone in on who we really are without self-imposed limitations, barriers, or walls, a spark is ignited lighting a fire within to see how valuable we truly are.  We carry the light into our darkest corners, discovering the need to throw away garbage or experience the surprise of finding nothing there.

We are not only worthy, we are valuable to life itself.  We are vessels to carry goodness through our authentic skills.  When we surround ourselves with like minded or positive others, we are uplifted and lead a more fulfilling life.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Relax, Breathe, and Begin Again

"You are good enough.
You are worthy.
You are loved."

Panache Desai

Words are very important to me ... those spoken, those spoken silently, and those forming on a page.  Some are cherished, while others send a chill of fear down my spine.  A few melt my heart and a few more make me so tense, my shoulders begin to engulf my neck.     There are times I need to tell my lovely self to relax, to breathe, and to begin again.

Some of my favorite words to use with others are:  lovely (Your lovely self),  gentle (Be gentle with your lovely self) and the self-explanatory 'sigh'.  I like to remind others they are good and kind.  To be thankful for his or her gift of friendship and how he or she happened to change my life.  When others have left themselves open, Divine Spirit speaks through them, and I am so grateful for the words.  Often times the message is what I have been not so patiently waiting for or had been searching everywhere, but remained lost.

There are numerous words hanging from a clothesline in my mind, blowing in the winds from the past.  The old wooden clothespin clench them tightly and not even beams from the sun can make them shine.  One day I might be brave and unpin them from that line and fold them gently into a basket to be tucked away outside of my mind.

How much better my day would be if my personal mantra included words like good, worthy, and loved.  I long to hear these words whispered in my heart, words to heal, words to encourage, and words of peace.  

Just for today, I believe I will give it a try ... 

"You are good enough."

"You are worthy."

"You are loved."

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pumped Up

"It is the absence of facts that frightens people;
the gap you open, into which they pour
their fears, fantasies, desires."

Hilary Mantel

We trust ourselves so little, we give entirely too much value on outside sources.  It is important for all of us to accept to be human is to err.  Everyone experiences poor decisions or disharmony, but we do not always see it.

At a recent gathering, a woman announced her most recent project ... a flower garden.  She was very excited in sharing her successes and her ability to learn from mistakes.  She clearly displayed her investment of time and knowledge by her most recent excursions to Master Gardeners and workshops at local nurseries.  Indeed, she was riding waves of excitement.

Unfortunately, another woman who considers herself to be far more experienced in gardening, began to ask  multiple questions without waiting for answers.  One could easily see the joy fading from the novice gardener's expression.  She was subjected to harsh assessments of her progress and doubt plus confidence slid off her face.

The critical woman acted innocent and stated she was simply trying to 'help' the other, even though help had not been solicited.   It was very sad to watch enthusiasm escape from a new project like air from a leaking balloon.

At times, it is best to choose our audience carefully when sharing new visions, discoveries, or adventures.  Let a sense of confidence grow prior to reporting plans.  Remain focused on the goal preparing each step towards it.  Others will not deflate us if we keep our selves appropriately pumped up!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Without Hesitation

"A Warrior of Light knows his own faults.
But he also knows his qualities."

Paulo Coelho

Human beings tend to observe the strengths of others, but dwell on personal deficiencies.  We may not have the talent of someone else and it is a waste of energy to mourn over lack.  If we gather our energy, and apply it to personal enhancement, we will flourish in a different direction. 

In viewing the animal kingdom, we can observe some smaller animals who are not afraid of larger animals as they have learned to use personal skill. We have far less to fear when we are aware of our own abilities. When we establish what we need to function in a healthy and authentic way, we can use our creativity to implement these qualities into our life style.  

What do we rely on ... faith, hope and love;  a good night's sleep and healthy diet; sticking to a budget  or being sparked by sudden vision?  What works for one very well may not work for another.  When we have what we need in place, we no longer hesitate to move forward.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

DESIGN: Chalkboard, Chalk, and Eraser

"We're all in this alone."
Lily Tomlin

As human beings, we all have the need to be touched, heard, and loved.  We receive support from family, friends, professionals or groups where we feel connected.  When it comes right down to the heart of life, we truly are alone.  Alone, unless we turn inward to experience the Divine at our core, in our soul, and a part of our being.

So to create balance in our lives, we seek outside of ourselves for some needs while delving inside to discover others.  We are alone in the sense of having free will or choice.  We each decide what is best for ourselves.  If we live by the opinions of others in spite of them not resonating within us, we are being an extension of someone else.  We need to be genuine, and enjoy alignment with body, mind and soul.

When we come to understand ourselves, accept and love who we are, we are more trusting and caring towards others.  When we experience our personal strengths and forgive our weaknesses, our energy holds us strong.  We may still prefer to share time with friends, but we also love our personal time alone.  

We are all in this alone in the manner of being responsible for our selves.  Our life isn't about self-imposed false expectations or following some else's dreams.  We each have a mental chalk board to design our path, using colors, and erasing what we accomplish or out grow.  Anything can be changed or added.  With the assistance of others, you alone are responsible.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Bohemian Blood

"If we could look into each others hearts,
and understand the unique challenges
each of us faces, I think we would treat
each other much more gently,
with more love, patience, tolerance, and care.

Marvin J. Ashton

My Bohemian blood has always called out the gypsy in me.  I have wandered near and far; experienced and witnessed; and loved and loved harder.  The search for liberation and freedom to  twirl to the beat of a different drummer has always danced through  my veins.  

Over the years, I gathered endless stories, as every one has one to tell.  There was no need to discern if the truth was being shared or if I were simply hearing tales.  With integrity, I met the storyteller where they began in their perceived reality.  

If a listener cannot open to the telling of a tale without judgement, the wisdom of the story will be lost.  Stories are not about believing or agreeing.  They are about our ability to listen to testimony that has shaped the life of one other.  The words come pouring out, not for inspection, but for the release of what has been held captive inside.  

When stories are shared whether sitting around a fire pit or gathered at a women's circle, we learn the challenges of others.  We begin to understand why the person is skittish about some things, but not others.  We hear of dreams unfilled and lost inspirations.  At the same time, however, we are realizing the unique circumstances we all seem to bare.  

With tolerance, we may or may not approve, but we only need to listen.  We may not be able to identify with authentic situations, but we again, are only meant to be present.  Over the years, these stories enable us to perceive people as individuals carrying their own set of challenges.  When we observe behavior, we can wonder what life had been like to create this particular reaction.

We may be following different paths, but our individual journeys all carry us to the same home.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Band of Angels

"It's as if a band of amazing angels got together, Virginia, before time even began, to celebrate their common heritage, sense of adventure, creativity and savoir faire, and decided to meet in the distant future, amongst the jungles of time and space, upon a distant little blue planet, to see how long it would take for each and every one of them to discover who they really are. 7 billion angels, to be precise."


Over the last few days, my heart has been filled with love, calm and peace by the efforts of sisters of my heart, dear friends, my 'significant other', children and dear sweet Bella.  All have reminded me of how we really are connected and share in each others journey.  No matter how withdrawn, reclusive or isolated, love resides in our hearts.  

It is not as though we are all the same.  Actually, it is quite the contrary, but we are all in search for purpose and connection.  Love binds us together no matter our differences or the paths we take.

I am deeply thankful for all of my earth angels for their patience, encouragement, and willingness to be both the teacher and the student.  They have provided safety as a circle of confidants without judgement.  These friends have embraced my strengths and weaknesses with tenderness and honor.  

We celebrate our steps, trusting where we are each led, remembering our stories to feed or be fed.  In the flame of a candle, it was once said, angels gathered awaiting the simple nod from our head.  Out of time and space they hover near, as we are the ones they truly hold dear.                                             

Saturday, July 5, 2014

To Hurt No One

"Not that I want to be a god or a hero.
Just to change into a tree,
grow for ages,
not hurt anyone."
Czeslaw Milosz

While paging through old journals, I came across a full length poem I wrote in the mid-seventies.  This is amazing as I almost never write poetry as it is not my strength.  This poem, however, was about being a tree.  It reflected standing tall, bending to breezes, and reaching for the stars. I felt energized by the budding of my branches in the spring.   I seemed to enjoy the idea of changing the colors of my leaves, although a sadness when they let go and floated the the earth.  The winter season did not seem to discourage me, as there was so much to see ... bunnies and squirrels scampering across the snow; deer rubbing against my bark; and birds flitting from tree to tree. The ritual of watching the light of the  moon dance through the trees as it crossed the sky heralded by shinning stars.  A magic show indeed.

THE GIVING TREE by Shel Silverstein highlights the importance of a tree in ways we are not daily aware, and yet, should be.  Yes, I would easily change into a tree for the mere pleasure of always giving something to others, whether it is shade, fruit, nuts or leaves.  Swaying with the wind and enduring storms would require patience. Nests in my branches would divert my attention from the heat of summer.  I believe I would enjoy growing for years reaching in an upward direction being one with all of nature. It would be ecstatically wonderful to hurt no one.

Friday, July 4, 2014

A Fourth of July Sky

"The moon starts singing
when everyone is asleep
and the planets throw a bright robe
around their shoulders
and whirl up close to her side."
The Fourth of July brings excitement to the skies.  People of all ages turn their heads to the above to eagerly wait for the next light surprise.  Exploding colors and many 'booms' bring us all back to childhood imagination and delight in a magic form. 
Their is something about the sky.  It is the perfect backdrop for shooting stars, Northern Lights, and phases of the moon.  It would be extremely difficult to count the times in my life I have searched the sky for impossible answers.   I looked up into the darkness, pleading with a  star to take my sorrow, pain, and sense of desperation.  I have addressed twinkling stars with joy and laughter including them in my personal revelations. 
The moon and I have been forever friends, and I am most familiar with her lullaby.  She has shined nothing but love, caring and kindness into my nocturnal life and has been a constant energy within my heart whether she is hanging in the sky or naught.
We look up to the sky for rainbows, shape-shifting clouds, and the warmth of the sun.  Do we think of all these things above as a separate place or different realm?  I am surprised to realize my time with the moon, stars, and all that clusters in the sky as being quite personal and possessively just mine. 
 "I see the moon and the moon sees me."

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Distraction or Addiction?

"The word addiction is too huge an has too much stigma and weight and severity around it."
Panache Desai
In Panache Desai's book, DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL SIGNATURE,  his list of addictions include sugar, caffeine, exercise, social media, Internet shopping, phone, email,  etc...   The point he makes is that anything we do that assists us in avoiding our feelings/emotions, is a distraction.  We use these distractions/addictions to not be present in our present moment or current life situation.
If we are truly present in the moment, we are allowing our selves to feel underlying energy.  When feelings whether happy or sad radiate through us, we are not always able to withstand them.  Instead, when we no longer want to experience a particular high or low, we distract ourselves with our avoidance of choice.
We can easily recall a sadness we just couldn't embrace and so we did something stupid, a negative behavior or distraction.  What about when something good happens?  I bet our distraction from too much happiness is very subtle and goes unrecorded. 
I am here to share that I sometimes have a lower tolerance for joy than I do pain.   When I observe my reaction it is ridiculous, but automatic pilot takes over within an instant.  I recently shed some weight with much diligence and discipline.  When I realized my success, I was so elated, I fixed my self some ice cream.  Ice cream is a childhood reward no matter how contrary to the larger picture.
The suggestion Panache Desai makes is simple: 
1.  Make a list of things you use as distractions.
2.  Be aware when you begin this action.
3.  Tune in to see what feeling you are avoiding.
Three easy steps and they will create volumes of information regarding our personal choices of not embracing life fully. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Gift In Itself


When offering comfort to somebody,
their only real need is to have you
be in the present moment with them.
Madyson Taylor
We handicap our selves when we think we need to have words of wisdom and exceptional problem solving abilities when a friend or family member struggles.  We self-impose the inference that we are incapable to help for the lack of tools or fear of being too involved.
In reality, when a person is suffering, they feel truly alone in their challenge.  They crave the presence of someone to witness the struggle.  No matter how skilled we may be,  a hurting person may need comfort rather than answers.  If we spoon feed resolutions, we are not helping a person  find their way.  They need their own personal imprint on what to do next.  We do not want to be co-dependent or become responsible for their choices.
We can sit by a person's side, quietly listening.  Instead of asking, "What can I do to help," we can kindly offer what we feel we can reasonably do.   We can offer to make phone calls, to straighten the home, pick up some groceries or promise to visit again soon.  Instead of avoiding a person in need, we can drop a card into the mail, deliver some flowers or  bring a batch of favorite cookies.  It is beneficial to visit often and for shorter periods of time. 
If we cannot appropriately sit and hug a person, mentally extend love, prayers, and light in hopes of adding to their comfort.  Maintain eye contact with heart felt compassion. Remember, just being present is a gift in itself!