Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Unraveling the Tangle



"Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open.
Move outside the tangle of fear thinking.
Live in silence."
The subject of fear has been weighing heavily on my mind.  Intellectually, I do know that fear is not factual and whatever we fear, usually doesn't happen.  Fear is a heavy energy continuing to dampen our spirits.  It forms barriers where barriers do not need to be.  Artificial boundaries are also created by fear, limiting us from experiencing life to it's fullest. 
These presumed fears restrain us from building relationships and enjoying the deepest arms of relationships.  Fear encourages us to wear false masks or to withdraw from others.  This holds us in bondage.  (It is interesting to note animals shed fear, they shake it off, and continue on.  Only humans cling to fear  Panache Desai)  It is necessary for us to gather our courage in spite of our feelings of fear.  We need to move forward, letting ourselves be exposed to the lessons we yearn to experience.
When we think of fear as an energy, we know we can learn to balance it through our own creative measures.  Some use exercise while others use various forms of art.  As we acknowledge the heavy energy within us, we can take action removing ourselves from the role of victim.  We can untangle our facts from fear like sorting out the laundry or brushing out our hair.  Once we do this, our energy is strong enough to allow the release of fear and move forward.
Once we have balanced our energies, we are no longer held captive.  We can recognize old patterns of rejection, abandonment, betrayal or death and deal with them with positive reasoning.  To ask  our selves if these are old patterns being triggered or if they indeed are current.  Either way, we have the courage and the energy to create a different response. 
Instead of running from fear, we can face it head on and feel empowered.  As we create new reactions to old problems, we do become strong enough to experience vulnerability.  Life may require us to move further away from our circle of friends or employment in search for a healthier life style. Our courage will be rewarded by life expanding.

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