Tuesday, June 17, 2014

In Some Mystical Way

"I didn't realize that waiting had a function.
The waiting wasn't waiting. 
It was working out
everything going on in myself.
It was a pause."
Panache Desai
On this glorious day, I sat out on the deck with sun shinning on my face and a gentle breeze gliding through my hair.  As I sipped on my coffee viewing every flower in my yard, I thought of you.  Then I began to worry.  "Ridiculous," I scolded my self.  Worrying serves no purpose.
I found my hand gently resting over my heart as though I were holding you there.  I covered you with love and imagined you snuggled in my lap.   I whispered endearments into your ear, and stroked your fine hair.  I reminded you of all you have been and explored where all you may yet travel.  I praised your passion and rocked you gently in my arms.  I found myself washing your feet, massaging them with oils, and filling your heart with courage and confidence. 
As you safely rested in my lap, I aligned your energies and strengthened the small flame into a radiant light within you.  I closed my eyes saying, "Remember who you are and all you are meant to be."  I felt a small stirring in my lap, and when I opened my eyes you were gone.
I made notice of my self, and realized that this pause in my life was a needed time to strengthen connection.  My energies were refreshed and balanced, my heart was full of love, and my connection with who I am was as strong as ever.  I sighed, opening my mind to the possibility that in some mystical way, you too have felt loved and refreshed.

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