Sunday, June 1, 2014

In The Silence, We Best Commune


"Only in the sacredness of inward silence does the soul
truly meet the secret, hiding God."
Frederick William Robertson
We are taught how to pray to God, but rarely are we taught to invite God into our own heart where we can just sit and listen.  It is truly amazing when we set aside all of our words, clearing our hearts and mind to receive God.  This may sound foreign to those of us who were raised, believing that a person must go through a priest or minister on our behalf.  
When we think of ourselves as children of God, created uniquely and loved eternally, does it really make sense to not be able to just address God?  We may be even encouraged to ask Mother Mary to petition God on our behalf.  These seem like human guidelines and not sacred.  It is similar to a mom saying, "Don't bother your father, he is busy." 
We have free will and it is beyond my imagination to not  be allowed to address the sacred upon will.  I do imagine angels, guides, and forms of Divine just waiting for us to call upon them for help.  How could this not be true?  I don't believe I must be on bended knee within a church repeating someone else's scriptures in order to invite the holy of all holy to please come within.
When we invite the Divine into our hearts, we can speak honestly and be prepared for answers coming our way through 'knowings' and feelings and imagery.  We feel relaxed and empowered while our words reflect the strength of the union.  It is in the silence we best commune with God.

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