Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Authenticity Shines Through

"You certainly are not yourself today."
"I so seldom am," said Cecelia.
Elizabeth Bowen
Every waking day, we get to start anew.  We have the choice of rediscovering new patterns or enduring old behaviors.  The choice clearly is ours.  Life continues to change as we make this human journey,  adding layers of experience and shedding stacked up ill fitting habits of the past.   It is a journey, this thing called life, and it is an opportunity to sift through everything to allow our true nature become exposed.
Our authentic self keeps pushing inside, willing us to nourish and nurture the human we were meant to be.  It doesn't want to be covered up with exhausting debris, it wants to be exposed to the sunlight and set free. 
Every morning, we are faced with a new day.  If we can experience clear focus or a brief personal communication with Divine Spirit, we may find the courage to look though new eyes, to adjust or focus truly seeing what is working and what is not. 
Mid-day, we can once again assess what progress we are making by checking in with our inner self.  Are we feeling recharged by new approaches or are we feeling drained from just going through expected behavior.
At bedtime, try to visualize how we want our next day to look ... happy positive co-workers, supportive family, new insights.  Notice how differently we would feel in this changed perception.  Feel the energy created by being authentic.  Look into the eyes of others as they are surprised by our kindness or willingness to help.  Could that possibly be the return of happiness creeping back into our life? 
The key is to be aware of every action we take.  Choose to make it deliberate and purposefully positive.  Refrain from judging ourselves and others.  Our efforts are being used to design a day growing more similar to the visualization from the night before. 
Throughout the day, capture small moments of celebration.  Have an appreciation for the strength it is taking to slowly expose our authentic selves.  It all will not be easy, but there is no better investment than ourselves.  Constantly focus on the small steps filled with joy, and repeat them until authenticity shines through.

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