Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Pull Your Lovely Self Together!


"Without the energy keeping it alive,
no thought can survive."
Panache Desai
Today was going to be one of my favorite days.  A day without any outside appointments, commitments, or household obligations.   The day was all mine and I loosely formed a creative agenda.  What a day this was going to be!
As I was going through my morning ritual of settling in with coffee, laptop, and journals, the dream from early morn began to flood my thoughts.  I would become aware of wisps of my dream, but would set them aside.  Diligently I followed my routine, only to find the dream resurfacing.  So I stopped and allowed myself to welcome the dream. 
I pushed the rewind button, and viewed the dream in its entirety.  Present in the dream were a mom and dad, a small girl and a little boy.  I was there in a mediation capacity.  As I learned about each one of them, I realized the entire dysfunction played out as each member assumed what the other person was saying, never really hearing the personal testimony.  There were nothing but colossal misunderstandings as each person listened only to his or her self making untrue assumptions about all others.
Each person in this dream was portraying a part of my self.  All parts of my self were disconnected one from the other.  Nothing was aligned so I was out of balance.  The message was clear, "Pull your lovely self together!"  I needed to pay attention in order to have fair representation on one page.  Respect needed to be given to all areas in my life.  I was being shown the importance of developing all parts of the human spirit.  Energy needs to be given to important aspects of my life in order for them to survive.

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