Saturday, June 14, 2014

Creative Options

We don't all have instant access to a comfy beach chair by the ocean.  Through meditation or visualization, however, we can be any where within several deep breaths.  We can create within our minds such detailed scenarios, we can feel sand between our toes and smell the salty breeze.  We can be relaxed through the imagined sound of waves rolling into shore while feeling sunshine upon our face. 
Unfortunately, we spend more time imagining worse case scenarios. Worry can paint very dark pictures in our mind.   We may experience feelings that are not of comfort, such as abandonment, loss, grieving, failure, or disaster all entwined with fear.
We have choice, but too often we are not aware of what lies before us, based upon what occurred in the past.  If we are busy looking behind us, we don't have the time to  look at the present nor invest in the future.
If we open our minds to various options and then discern what best meets our needs, we are more apt to transcend situations with greater ease.  When we role play in our minds, visualizing best case scenarios, we tend to have more successful results.  The key of course is remaining alert to the bigger picture and using creativity in search for solution.
Remain awake to surroundings, conversations, and the unfolding of nature.  Wisdom arrives in a wide range of communications, and we must be readily listening. 

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