Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Light In Others

At a very young age, we learned to look up at the sky seeking out the twinkling of the stars.  Oh how magical they seemed and remember how easily one became mesmerized?  These were our early lessons with light.  As we grew, we gathered more information from the light in the forest or the aura embracing a flower.  Reflections from water, moon or sun made an imprint upon us as well. These experiences evolved into kindle feeding our personal light.

Radiant humans draw us near by their simple light presence.  Then there are others whose light is barely a flame.  One is required to be patient until the flicker of the flame can finally be seen.  When we await the glimpse of a sudden showing of the light within, we can be richly rewarded as all humans are carriers of Divine Light.

No matter how bright the light, each and every one of us has value and a message for each other.  A small quivering flame can powerfully impact us, so seeking out brightly shinning souls is not always the path to take.  We are surrounded by individuals bearing truth, but unfortunately are overlooked as they may be more withdrawn or simply unnoticed.

It is when we simply respect and honor each light within, we will see the beauty in each other.  No one enjoys being hoodwinked and it is important to be careful while learning from others;  however, it we remain so barricaded and closed off, we will not be blessed by the wisdom at hand.  We expand our individual light by recognizing the light in others.

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