Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Harvest of Our Dreams

"There is only one thing that makes a dream
impossible to achieve:
the fear of failure."
Paulo Coelho
Soon fall will be here and hopefully it will be abundant.  It is a time to think back to spring, recalling what seeds we planted for things to grow, as harvest will soon be upon us.  We had all of winter to dream, spring to plant, summer to nurture, and now time to see what will be manifested.  We are reminded of  all the spiraling cycles of life.

When we hibernate in the winter, it is really important to journal different ideas presenting themselves.  It is helpful to keep a small notebook to jot down random creative thoughts that  would be surely forgotten by spring.

We next find ourselves pondering what creative crops to plant in spring.  Do we want to sprinkle a variety of seeds for possible opportunities or do we want one special focus to bury deeply in rich soil of thought and deed?  We can research our dreams to make certain our timing and purpose align.

During the summer, we nurture these hopeful dreams come true.  If we adequately fertilize, water and nurture our dream based creativity, surely sprouts will have the energy to push up through mother earth.  If we do not invest attention and expansion into our fertile minds, creative ideas will fizzle not thrive.

In the fall we feel the need to get organized, as the time for speculation has passed us by, leaving us with an eye for evaluating what will be harvested.  We examine what we have reaped, studying  crops to determine if the dream seeds have been incubated correctly or failed to thrive.  It is interesting to see where our abundance lies.  Where was our focus heaviest to produce our endeavors?

When we walk through our fields of dreams, we are often surprised by an idea  growing wild in the midst of of our plot.  Spirit often times plants an idea which catches us by surprise.  Do not be heavy laden by the illusion of fear.  Remain light hearted and thankful for whatever creation comes our way.  We can step through fear, safely harvesting the results of our intentions.

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