Friday, September 6, 2013

Making a Huge Impact

"I really don’t think I need buns of steel.
I’d be happy with buns of cinnamon."
Ellen DeGeneres
We find our selves attracted to people who have an open heart.   There is something about their energy that pulls us right in.  We can almost feel a radiant light surrounding us, nurturing us, and making us feel like we are deeply connected. 
These are the very people we tend to seek for lifting our own spirits, walking away with inspiration and drive to begin again.  And no matter how much energy we extract from these open hearted beings, they seem to sustain their loving kindness. 
Do not be fooled, however, into thinking some people don't have anything to worry about, as this is not true.  Every person having this human experience faces challenges, loss, and wanders in the desert.  
I truly believe there is an equation that can be applied to each individual.  The equation is about how much we give, not how much we have.  This equation is focused on helping others and not balancing the budget.  It is about believing we will receive what we need and recognizing the needs of others.  It is based on gratitude for what we have.  By having a thankful heart, we are not focused on what we think we are lacking.
In the last few years there have been commercials on television about 'passing it forward' and I do believe the ad has stimulated others to do the same.  It is encouraging us not to think of giving as a monetary responsibility we cannot afford.  The commercial is showing us a variety of ways each one of us can reach out to other people, perhaps making a huge impact.
We need to start regarding the act of giving to others as less complicated.  We can discover tender gestures in small ways.  In return, we receive a better sense of self which helps to eliminate the feelings of separateness.
I accept that I do not have money like Ellen DeGeneres to enable me to give away wonderful prizes.  I cannot dance like Ellen nor can I sing.  I am not nearly as funny as Ellen, but I do have wonderful cinnamon buns!

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