Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blending into Infinity

"Art isn't only a painting.
Art is anything that's creative, passionate and personal.
And great art resonates with the viewer,
not only with the creator."
Seth Godin
LINCHPIN: Are You Indispensable?
This afternoon, I found my self browsing through my old journals.  I choose one rather randomly and decided to give it a read.  It was twelve years old, and I could not help but notice how smoothly my hand had sprawled across the page.  Newspaper clippings, note cards, and ticket stubs were still  stapled to pages.  Here and there were sketches I had made. Each entry was dated, and as I read, I felt as though I was back in the very moment, as my body awakened to remember these times so well.
My very words were like water colors, gently flowing in soft hues.  Details were not always forthcoming, but as my mind slipped between the sentences, it was there I found the vibrant yet hidden emotions.  The paragraphs provided a landscape for me to roam, collecting old memories as if I were there, back home.
Friends had died, jobs had changed, and memories weaved in and out.  I fondly spent mental time in my lovely condo ... like a tree house ... and comforting to me.   My writings passed through all of the seasons, and cycles of the moon.  My strong masculine energy became balanced with the feminine, and I grew fully into me.  Brick by brick, the walls of protection came down, while I found the courage to stand behind a sheer and lovely veil.  I learned to let life pass through me, retaining only the good to sustain me.
I am not  that person any more, as I have increased some skills and replaced others.  I have stretched.  I have grown.  My perspective has softened and my lens has broadened.  Deeper understanding thrives and intuition ... oh, my.
My heart has healed and my spirit does soar, but there remains a tiny sliver of me, still longing to just 'be'.  To be soft as the pastel watercolors, gently flowing with each stroke of the brush, delicately blending into infinity.

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