Sunday, September 29, 2013

Embracing What Is ...


"We turn to God for help when
our foundation is shaking,
only to recognize that
it is God who is shaking it."
Charles Weston
We feel quite secure with everything going as planned.  We find a loose thread, and when we pull it, we find that it is still attached.  Reacting to our pull, the thread dislodges rows of what had been perfect form.  We might feel the slightest foreboding that something is amiss, but usually we are caught completely off guard. 
When our well planned intention begins to go awry, we feel disoriented or perhaps even frozen into place.  It is difficult to understand how things can shift so quickly, especially when we thought we were on stable ground.  It is only with the passing of time we can adjust, and begin to rebuild a new sense of security.
There are other times we pine for a certain promotion or new home or addition to the family.  We are filled with anticipation, anxiously awaiting the new prospect to take physical form.  Then when all is said and done, we find our selves struggling.  With the new job, we are now experiencing the full extent of the more advanced responsibilities.  The new house is losing its charm as we discover the hidden faulty wiring or plumbing.  The addition to the family has settled in with a whole new set of demands. 
Challenges and change are very difficult to embrace, especially when unexpected.  They cause us to examine things in a new way or build an entirely new routine.  Change forces us to take a new direction causing us to change for the better. 
When life shakes us up, wake up.  Challenge is offering us the opportunity to create life in a new space.  Look for the good and remain focused on what blessings may come.  When we get stuck looking at our old life, we are not using all of our energy to move forward.  Through resistance, our transition grows more difficult.  Embrace change in the best way possible, expecting nothing but the best in return.

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