Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dare to Begin

"All glory comes from daring to begin ..."
There seems to be a starting point for all things.  It may patiently hover around us, but it is there waiting for us to begin.  We have so many tactics to delay our beginning such as:  distractions, denial, avoidance, and resistance.  The discomfort we feel during this pregnant pause is greater than the insecurity of just pushing forth and starting.  Once we begin, crossing the threshold, we wonder why we waited so long!
We can be ridiculously creative as a child putting off what needs to be done.  Our ego is more than willing to use negative self-talk enabling us to abstain from experiencing personal power.  Waiting for the perfect time is simply a myth.  There is no time like the present. 
We live our lives as though we have forever when in fact that is not true.  We never know when opportunity will cease or when  life will end.  Divine Spirit places within our thoughts brilliant ideas, insights, and adventures.  Whether we act upon these planted seeds is up to our own free will.  It is clear that we have a choice as to whether or not we will have courage to follow through and bravely believe in our own dreams or let the desire fade away.
We can begin with a flourish with bells and whistles, attracting the attention of others or we can secretly move in increments,  slowly incubating our ultimate plan.  But my friend, dare to begin!

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