Thursday, September 12, 2013

Eyes Closed in Deeper Space

"Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be BRAVE!"

Kristin Fontana
Evolutionary Astrologer

Numerous women came together monthly to discuss common topics of interest based on books the group would choose.  As the facillator, I received insights from all of these women bringing their personal experiences to the discussion table.  The gathering always entertained me, but also educated me on how we vary in our interpretations.  Our perspectives were authentic in that they were viewed through our unique looking glass.
As the leader, I encouraged everyone to share, but no one was ever forced to do so.  It took time for these randomly collected women to build trust and the sense of safety.   An elder woman faithfully attended, driving an hour just to attend.  She always arrived late, and seldom spoke.  To the group, it appeared that she would nod off during the hour.  I personally hoped it would ensure her safety while traveling back to her home. 
As time passed, however, we were surprised to discover that even though her eyes were closed, and even though she sometimes snored,  she was listening all along.  When she was feeling brave, she would highlight particular points of the discussion from within the hour.  She reflected deeper insights and understandings than we ever imagined she had. 
This book club continued for numerous months.  It was during one these meetings this elder woman finally felt safe enough to share.  She gathered her courage and spoke steadily about her many challenging years on this earth and how she had survived.  She was a woman of strength knowing how to use her personal power.  Her story reflected the tools she had learned along the way.  One of the tools was the art of listening.  She could calmly sit, partially withdrawn, and listen only with her heart.  She closed her eyes for fewer distractions, while observing the visualizations the words created in her head.  This amazing woman, a treasure in disguise, seldom spoke as she felt the need  to disclose truths only when prompted by spirit. 
Her words went something like this:  All of you are younger and still wandering in the desert seeking spiritual aspects of self.  I am your elder, and I have gathered my truths and no longer wander.  I withdraw into spiritual connection learning to use all of my senses when exploring my life collected truths. 
One on one, I met with this deepened spirit until she passed a few years back.  She would always arrive late and often closed her eyes.  I knew she was listening to me from a deeper level which encouraged me to speak bravely and choose my thoughts and words carefully.  I wanted to give her my truths, not chatter.  I became aware, however, being quiet and present with her was a learning experience in itself. 
As I have aged, I have learned the lesson in seeking and exploring.  I have discovered the need to share what if and how can this be questions.  I developed the courage to bravely speak out, but I now prefer the not yet mastered art of listening.  So if I close my eyes, yes, I am still listening.  I remain present, just from a deeper space. 


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