Saturday, September 28, 2013

Bearing Creative Expression


"The deepest experience of the creator is feminine,
for it is experience of receiving and bearing.
Rainer Maria Rilke

Remember each individual has both a feminine and a masculine side.  We are not referencing woman ~vs~ man.  We are exploring the feminine in both women and men.  I listened to an older interview with Jack Kornfield  this morning.  As a young boy, his father sternly instructed him not to cry; therefore, he was taught to withhold or repress natural emotion.   Displaying emotion had been regarded as feminine, definitely not masculine.
Some little boys were directed to sports rather than play a violin or paint or dance.  The feminine side in men can really be misdirected.  Little girls were encouraged not to be rough or tumble.  The athletic abilities were minimized as they were praised for being little ladies.
Today, this is not so much the case.  Parents seem to be allowing their children to flower or unfold in the manner they wish.  Every child needs affirmations and encouragement, as well as adults.  Hopefully, we never stop exploring.  At any age, we may need a boost.
Both genders can create and experience an incubation period. As we bear this creative expression, we allow our imagination to flourish and not be subdued by the negative input of our own ego or others.  We feed the prospect with healthy thoughts, words, and deeds. 
The birthing our our project can have a long labor, so male or female needs to balance, pace, and be gentle with  the experience processing inside.  If we have used positive energy throughout, our creative expression will thrive.  And if not, approach the idea again after learning why the intention did not survive.
There is a great need for all of us to embrace both our masculine and feminine sides to bring balance not only to our selves, but into our culture as well.  For all of us, there is a time to exert our masculine side of giving out into the world, and also a time for our feminine side to creatively nurture all that we are meant to be.

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