Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Goodness in all Directions


"The fragrance of flowers spreads only
in the direction of the wind,
but goodness of a person
spreads in all directions."
There are some people who just seem sincerely joyful all of the time.  No matter what the circumstance, when we are with them, we automatically feel safe and secure.  They lighten our mood, easily cause us to laugh, and we feel special.  These people are not the ones who give us lip service, just telling us what they think we want to hear.  The people I refer to are like the flowers of the earth.
As flowers of the earth, normal every day people take on a lovely appearance;  they project a sweetness to all peoples passing by;  and faithfully decorate our lives in every passing season.  These flowers of the earth if questioned, would really not know these things about themselves.  They regard themselves just as one of many in life's beautiful garden.  The sweet abundance of goodness extends beyond their personal awareness.
I had such a friend years ago.  She was a vibrant soul to all while being a wife, a mother, and very active participant in community related events.  I had the privilege of staying in her home while visiting, and observed her consistently joyful state of mind.  I found my self wondering how she kept this attitude day in and day out.
"Don't you ever get tired of being so happy," I asked.  "I mean, doesn't it exhaust you to put that kind of energy out all of the time?"  She was startled by my questions as though she had no idea what I was talking about.  This wasn't an act, not some performance in her life.  She was capable of living freely, thankful, and filled with gratitude. 
Quite a discussion followed, but here is the condensed version.  She did not think of herself controlling her life.  She said a long time ago she had given her entire self to God to be used in this life time for the highest good.  "I am no longer in the driver seat," she said.  "I just sit back and enjoy the ride, worrying about nothing as all is as it should be."
Although my friend may sound like a Pollyanna, she certainly was not.  She experienced life deeply, even through the death of her husband at a very early age.  Mother of three, she continued on.  She was a strong, deep rooted flower in a Sacred Garden, defying the turbulence of nature.  I have not seen her in years, but every once in a while, there will be a sweet fragrance lingering in the air, and I hope it is her ... remembering me.

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