Monday, January 14, 2013

Silent Forces

Knowing how to call upon the powers of heaven will dramatically change your life.  Imagine that you have a whole crew of angels around you to assist you with whatever request you make of them.  The only criterion is that your requests cannot be hurtful to another.  Angels and other beings of light will only assist and orchestrate on our behalf when we are choosing things of the light.

Carol Tuttle
Remembering Wholeness

Many years ago, I was told by someone that angels are always surrounding us, but are helpless until we request their assistance.  We are born with free will and so angels cannot interfere without our permission.  As an energy worker, I feel the same about sending light to others as I do not want to unknowingly alter their lessons or interrupt karma.  So we can be responsible by requesting angels, light, prayer, etc... by stating it is for their highest good.

In my circle of women, we begin each time by calling in the light (angels, God, Spirit Guides, prayer, love) asking that we may receive guidance, wisdom, and insight for better understanding of our challenges, life, and loved ones.  We also request light for our family, loved ones, co-workers, or any others we may encounter. At the end of the circle, we send light (angels, God, Spirit Guides, prayer, love) out into our surroundings, our community, our state, and across the world.  We especially ask for additional light to be sent to those who are in pain, hunger, homeless, or in the midst of war. 

I see this as being no different from prayer requests or prayer chains or vigils held for a variety of reasons.  The importance of it, is that we take the time to use resources available to everyone of us for the sake of those who are carrying a heavy load. It brings us into action to send assistance to those we cannot personally help ... soldiers in war, abandoned children, ... or simply sending blankets of calm of and peace wherever there is discord.

The point is, we are all capable of doing 'something' in whatever manner feels comfortable, and we do not have to be in church or temple, or in a certain posture to request this kind of assistance for others.  We can make it a part of our daily routine.  Maybe while we are brushing our teeth, or waiting for the coffee pot to stop dripping.  We can use the time deliberately while we climb stairs or wait for a bus.  It can be our first action as we awaken or our last before we fall asleep.

Be a member of the silent forces offering assistance, one by one, for the world's needed change.  Do not underestimate personal spiritual power when coupled with the Divine!

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