Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Living Expression

 Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.  Be the living expression of God's kindness:  kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.

Mother Teresa

We are never really certain as to what we can personally do to make our family, community, country and world a safer and kinder place to be.  If we would begin simply, I believe a wave of kindness would ripple across the world.  Begin with what we have ... our very own presence.

Today I watched a video with Susan Surrandon and Ekhart Tolle discussing  acting and the attraction it holds.  Their conversation reflected how movie goers love the absolute attention between the actors, how carefully the characters both physically and mentally listen to each other.  The viewers are mesmerized by the charismatic attraction between the stars.

Human expression is vital to development.  We all crave to be heard, really understood, and identified like we have never been before.  We long to be 'seen'  for our personal goodness and unique contribution to the world.  We have an eagerness to give, but a desire to have it reflected back to us.

Simple kindness extended to those we know and do not know can change the lives of many, costing us nothing but awareness and willingness.  Let whatever we revere as holy to shine in our hearts so brightly, our faces will glow with loving kindness.  Let us turn this expression towards the world every day in hopes of generating a wave of kindness across our world.  Let us live our expression!

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