Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Step into Unknown

When you walk to the edge of all the light you have, and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen.  There will be something solid for you to stand upon or you will be taught to fly.

Patrick Overton
The Leaning Tree

Embracing a new year can be a bit overwhelming.  One needs to shed the past; be grounded in the present; and bravely step forward into the unknown.  Each one of these steps requires faith, courage, and compassion.

We never truly forget the past, but we can pull our invested emotions out of it.  We can review all of our challenges with understanding of the intended lesson and with compassion forgive our smallness, unintended harm, and judgment.  We can also recall all of the petty misdeeds against us, and understand we are more than each of these slights.  Someone else's opinion of us is not as worthy as our own.  When the year is done, we can file it away as we successfully withdraw our emotions.

To begin anything anew, we prepare, clean, and restore.  We stand with two feet solid on the ground, feeling the energy from the earth spreading up through us as we stretch our arms above our heads, reaching for the light of Divine Spirit.  Feeling the energy of all things surrounding us, we grow strong in the sense of everything and everyone being one.  We love and we are loved. 

When we have disengaged from our past, and restored a loving image of our selves and others, we are prepared to move forward.  We do not need to set goals or rigid time tables if we have an open heart ready to embrace whatever life brings.  It is not quite as frightening to step into the future when we do not feel alone.  When the presence of Spirit dwells within us,  we have  more confidence in our abilities to navigate the bumps and unforeseeable bends in the road. 

As we all venture into our new year, let us all move forward with faith rather than fear; love rather than judgment; and integration rather than isolation.  May we all find flight and soar!

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