Monday, January 28, 2013

Clean Slate

I live in my own little world.
But its ok, they know me here.
Lauren Myracle
Traveling by airplane is very stressful for me.  I am intimidated by going through screenings based on nothing but irrational fear.  I am always early and relieved to sit by the appropriate gate, hoping flights won't be canceled or delayed.  I never feel quite secure until I am finally strapped in my seat.  I have no fear of flying preferring the speed of take-off to the jolt of landing. 
Arriving in Key West, descending the stairs of the airplane, anticipation spreads through my being.  I will go with the flow, follow a loosely structured day, welcoming every spontaneous event.  I will breathe in the warm air, soak up the sunshine, and delight in the diversity I find so endearing in this special place of mine.  I am much the same here, and I just blend in, being the observer of a life so different and carefree.  The creative energy surging through the art galleries, eateries, musicians, and kindred spirits seems to lift my spirits to a level where I can soar.
Our living quarters are quite small compared to our Illinois home, but they support the effort to live minimally without clutter and distraction.  I settle my clothes, find a place for my journals and lap top, and wander to the porch ... a perfect hideaway to use my iPad and dream.  In bare feet I walk through thick grass to the small heated pool and let my feet uncoil in the pleasure of the water in this small private garden of a yard.
This will be my home, although void of all my personal treasures ... family pictures, books, old journals and collections.  There is nothing but freedom here waiting for me.  No responsibilities or expectations or commitments.  Free to be a different me without associations, labels, or recognition. 
This is an opportunity to begin a new beginning.  The slate is clean waiting for the newness of this authentic and  inspirational adventure.  Oh, I can hardly believe I have yet once again returned to my lovely Key West!

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