Thursday, January 17, 2013

Be the Voice


To open ourselves to new possibilities and success in every aspect of our life, we must be willing to change the entrenched ways in which we perceive ourselves and act in the world.  The first step is to change our limited sense of identity.

Deepak Chopra
Seeing Ourselves With New Eyes

This morning, with coffee mug in hand, I was reading Deepak Chopra's newsletter,
Chopra Centered Lifestyles.  I browsed through several interesting articles, but the article about Seeing Ourselves With New Eyes, really hit home.  Dr. Chopra discussed how we are changing every minute of the day just as everything in nature changes.  Physically our body changes ... blood, skeleton, liver, DNA ... just as our emotions are constantly changing.  Unfortunately, our awareness is generally focused on jean size or career advancement or relationship shifts.  We tend to miss our moment to moment changes which offer the opportunity to breathe in and out a more expansive version of our beautiful self. 

Our ego is very invested in keeping everything the same so it can control us much easier.  Ego will go to great lengths to distract us from any nuance of  creative shift.
Simply recall the last time an idea sparked in our brain about doing something differently to nurture our self.  For example, we are driving home and suddenly remember the Barnes & Noble gift card in our purse.  In a flash, we see our selves dashing into the book store, knowing there are sales going on, to grab a piece of pleasure.  Immediately, our ego kicks in, "I better go straight home.  Traffic is going to get bad.  I can go another time.  I should run into the grocery store instead."  Ego sits back and grins.  Our spirit is dampened and repressed.

Now imagine if we told our ego to 'take a hike' and drove straight to the book store.  In a matter of minutes we dash into the store, we find not only one book but two for the price of one, and the check out line has only one person waiting!  With our new treasure trove we joyfully drive home, imagining delving into our discoveries.  We greet our family in much higher spirits feeling refreshed and empowered.  By allowing simple change, our family reaps the benefits, our surroundings support the happy mood, and ultimately we bathe in the residue of self-respect and a sense of honor for our selves.  Ego sulks.

Transformation is an on-going process not a once in a life time 30 minute make over!  We truly need to listen to our selves so we can hear discrepancies as we communicate.  Too many times we are on automatic pilot and respond with statements that are no longer applicable to our belief system.  When what we say is not in alignment with what we feel, we must immediately replace the inaccuracy with current truth.

We have many automatic responses that are no where near the truth in our heart.  We say "yes" when we really mean "no" and perpetuate unpleasant circumstances.  Maybe at one time we enjoyed this particular activity, but we have changed and our reality of change has not yet been edited into the story we tell of ourselves.   The change has not been noted, because we have not taken the time to be aware of who we truly are at any given moment.

An easier visual is thinking of parenting the ego.  The ego is an impetuous child getting its way at all costs and usually making our inner selves miserable.  We must be the adult behind the impulsive child for our own good will.

My mentor tells me:

 "Be the voice behind the voice."

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