Sunday, January 13, 2013

Wish for Thee ...

And so may it be for thee,
And so may if be for me,
And so may it be for all of us.

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Over the years, as women grow into their wisdom, they are able to look back over their lives and see previous struggles as lessons rather than misfortune or other personal recriminations.  They begin to understand the greater purpose or the bigger picture that was not as apparent earlier on.  As a tree's roots grow gnarly securing it into the ground, so does a woman's history. 

Experiences carve out greater space for compassion, tolerance, and pain.  The depth of feelings embolden, create passion, and determination.  The true strength of women is not gauged by physical abilities, but by the use of intelligence combined with intuition, creativity and a spiritual bond with the sacred.

Women, especially those I call sisters of the heart, have taught me so much about my self.  Through kind words, encouragement, and sincere relationships, I have been able to accept my faults as well as my strengths.  They have carried me when I could no longer walk.  They sheltered me until I was strong.  They shared their stories and listened intently to my own.  The memory of their songs will forever lift my spirit and their dances and drumming will keep beat with my heart. 

It is through this feminine energy that I learned to embrace all of nature and to see God in all things.  I find glimpses of holiness in the small song birds, the heavy fragrances of the flowers, and the wind blowing through the ancient trees.  I witness it in  the kind acts of others and the warm embrace of a friend.  I experience the sacred as we honor one and the other and find freedom through respect of diversity.
What I wish for me, I do sincerely wish for thee ...

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