Sunday, August 22, 2021

Striving For Love

"The whole point of life is to learn love.  Life is the school,
love is the lesson, and we are all here to teach each other."
Kate McGhan

When I graduated from college with a double major in psychology/sociology, my goal was still that of being a loving mother.  I gave birth to four children, loving each one for his or her essence, and trying to foster strengths and diminish shortcomings.  I realize, with age, these beloved individuals were teachers to me as well.  Given my habit of 'seeing within' rather than stark reality, my love choices have been damaging.  I focus upon giving love as I would want to be loved.  Foolishly, I spotted deceptions blatantly before me, but this little soldier continued to fight the war for love.  My lessons have guided me to a spiritual concept of Oneness.  I view all of us as having worth and it is not found in dollar signs.  I broaden my love for humans without judgment, and embracing diversity, blessing me with an endless sense of love.  I thrive in spite of my lovely self.

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