Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Lifeless Relationships

"Live alone if staying together is lifeless."
Munia Khan

It took years to learn to identify my patterns.  Then even more time passed before I could recognize them mid-stream.  More unbelievable opportunities went by before I could correct my weaknesses in this pattern called life.  

I offer layers of giving to others, making them feel secure, and appreciated. I continue to add elevation of undeserved attention, not realizing I am not receiving anything in return.  In my efforts to rise to my self-appointed role, I unexpectedly discover that I have given too much, and now I am dry ... falling back into a shallow reality of no longer being me. 

Hindsight tells me I have more depth and enhancement when I am alone, not distracted.  I have more courage to move forward and broader options for creative expression. I don't have to hide who I am or turn my back to what I hold dear.  It is perhaps better to be fully me, even if it means being alone.

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