Saturday, August 28, 2021

Power in Relationships

"Relationships are never fifty-fifty.  Sometimes 
they are sixty-forty, sometimes eighty-twenty."
Harlan Coben

The best way to react when the odds are against or for you is to accept the situation and determine the role you want to play.  If you have the highest rating, do you ride a limousine into the deception of grandeur or do you generously embrace those who assisted you?

If you find your lovely self hanging from the bottom rung, will you fill your mind with hatred and anger or will you explore the lesson to better the quality of life?  Our chosen reaction will determine how secure  a relationship can become.

The knowledge which comforts us is the wisdom of distributed power within a relationship.  This switching around to accommodate the needs of our partner will perhaps strengthen the bonds.  Alignment is created as two are willing to shoulder the weight for each other rather than simply seeking power.

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