Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Internalizing Misguided Belief

"The truth is that we internalize what we hear."
Rosie Molinary

It is truly amazing how many negative voices are recorded in our memory banks.  Unaware, false criticism circulates repeatedly, to the extent of believing what we hear as true.  Phrases hanging in our heads override truth and diminish natural ability. We unknowingly digest whatever is spoon fed.

"You are smarter than this," or "You should be more athletic," or "Your choices will never help you to succeed."  Interest in music or writing or dancing will never support a proper life ...  so they said. Never once did we ever stop to examine the real motivation behind adult override. Who's dream are we fulfilling? 

Adults directed us to schools they never had the chance to attend or insisted on children attending an Alma Mater.  We were programed for family businesses or occupations even though our genius pointed in a different direction.  Our eagerness to please minimizes our desires as we follow someone else's dreams.  To deprogram our lovely selves it is helpful to repeat mantras such as:  I am good enough ... I respect my self ... I am worthy!

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