Monday, August 23, 2021

Spirit of Life


"Defeat may serve as well as victory
to shake the soul and let the glory out."
Edwin Markham

I sat before a lovely tree in an attempt to tap in to its essence.  I noticed endless roots at the base, stretching farther than one would expect.  Bark was separating in part and then there was life ... a green vine climbing up the side in the midst of the twines of other growth.

Shifting my vision farther up the tree, I realized there was an amazing umbrella of leaves sprouting from the snarled branches.  By simply glancing upwards, I felt hope stir within for new growth, and shelter for what I had previously discovered.

I then imagined the development of this strong tree, growing in spite of thunderstorms, unforgiving winds, blistering heat, and the endurance of an icy coat of winter snow.  To say nothing of the shedding of its beautiful leaves, standing naked, waiting for a new season of life. Yes, I tenderly placed my arms around the trunk of the tree.  As I departed, I thanked this lovely tree for sharing the spirit of life with me!

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