Thursday, August 5, 2021

Deciphering Dreams


"Dreams are illustrations ... from the book
your soul is writing about you.
Marsha Norman

Dream recall can be available to anyone who is willing to consciously prepare. Before sleep clear the mind; place paper and pen next to the bed; and wear something like a ring/watch/bracelet that will remind you upon waking to be still and recall.  

Immediately writing down our dreams prior to visiting the bathroom or checking phone, increases the  recall of illustrations and themes.  The people who have appeared might be reflecting a certain quality or characteristic.  Write everything down to be configured.

Our surroundings tell us if we are in the past or current time.  Emotions will be detected by water, fire or acting out.  There is nothing to be ashamed of.  The particular room or vehicle also deepen our understanding.  A dream contains enormous content to better understand both inner and outer reflections.  Be comfortable contacting me at or check out 

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