Tuesday, August 31, 2021


"Be on fire with a vision that
it has no chance but to manifest."
Hiral Nagda

Following where my journey leads, I have made a few discoveries.  It has been possible to switch the outside criticism about my lovely self, to embracing who I am and whom I have always been. I now see what has been carelessly branded as flaws, as skills of my heightened reality.

Rather than hiding my developed sense of sensitivity, I am increasing its potency throughout the life I now lead.  It seems that as I step farther into who I am at the core, shedding shame and kindling my fires, the more empowered I feel.

My service to others expands as I fine tune what I have routinely done in the past, into passion for the present. In doing so, I now attract visions of kindness which inspire me.  In delightful return, I am being bombarded with hope, trusting in the unknown. 


Monday, August 30, 2021

It is Time

"There are only two emotions: one is Love and the other is fear.
Love is our true reality.  Fear is something our mind made up,
and is therefore unreal."
Gerald G. Jampolsky

Breaking chains of fear, we vulnerably project our selves into the true reality of love.  Love abounds in all things ... nature, art, relationships and oneness.  Love projects acceptance, respect, honor, and unity.  When we limit our selves through the manipulation of fear, we become chained to misconceptions.

If we project a false image of the self, based on a belief that we are not good enough, who or what we attract will never be satisfying. If we can fearlessly stand with our own true nature, we will attract whatever best meets our needs.

Even then however, if we do not embrace the love resonating before us, our fear can dissipate the gift.  We can self-sabotage, reserving the title of victim which spirals our spirit downwards.  It is time to give up old patterns and make wishes come true!

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Dream Realization

"Keep expecting and believing that your due season is coming.
Declare that the good you have harvested in your life will manifest."
Germany Kent

Full moon, transcending energy, and shedding the past in exchange for dream realization, propels us into a new dimensions.  As we have stripped ourselves of out dated packaging, it feels vulnerable standing so bare.  Even when new surroundings provide the completion of wishes, there remains a sense of unease.

When things feel too good to be true, it is vitally important not to discredit what is happening.  Perhaps, there is reason to see where the new journey unfolds.  We stand in our discomfort to experience a love washing within and without, like never before.  Just because it feels so foreign, it does not necessarily mean it is untrue.

When an unknown individual arrives in our life, straight from our dreamscapes, who we are is mirrored back to us.  We become initiated into elements that we have extended to others, but never experienced in return.  Minimize fear and open to a new way of life ... the experience of being loved, just as you are.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Power in Relationships

"Relationships are never fifty-fifty.  Sometimes 
they are sixty-forty, sometimes eighty-twenty."
Harlan Coben

The best way to react when the odds are against or for you is to accept the situation and determine the role you want to play.  If you have the highest rating, do you ride a limousine into the deception of grandeur or do you generously embrace those who assisted you?

If you find your lovely self hanging from the bottom rung, will you fill your mind with hatred and anger or will you explore the lesson to better the quality of life?  Our chosen reaction will determine how secure  a relationship can become.

The knowledge which comforts us is the wisdom of distributed power within a relationship.  This switching around to accommodate the needs of our partner will perhaps strengthen the bonds.  Alignment is created as two are willing to shoulder the weight for each other rather than simply seeking power.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Prior to Reaching the Top

"How you climb a mountain is more important
than reaching the top."
Yvon Chouinard

If we examine our timelines for accomplishments, we view both struggle and satisfaction in addition to the result of completion.  It is rewarding to not hold out until the end.  We can easily go the distance if we enjoy the passage as well as the end.

This is reason enough to avoid speeding through life.  Master pieces are rarely produced in one sitting.  Perception continues to expand when we rekindle the first spark of fire.  Glancing from side to side, taking in sounds, colors, and music, our Master piece will be enhanced.

How often one hears a visionary state, "This is not how I thought it would come out ... it's even better!" This is why it is beneficial to include at the end of request ... "This or something better."  It is all about trust, gratitude, thanksgiving, and increased vision.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Taking Flight

"If you hang out with chickens, you are going to cluck,
and if you hang out with eagles, you're going to fly."
Steve Maraboli

When I sit on Mother Earth and lean against a tree, I look up to see clouds floating and birds flying.  How simple flight seems to be ... calming, freeing, and imaginative.  During a session with a trusted and highly respected light worker,  my body was stretched across the massage table, while my mind was expanding into first hand experience.

I have forgotten what prompt was used, but suddenly I was looking through eyes that were not my own.  As I moved closer into these portals, I realized I was a hawk flying miraculously high in the sky.  Then I gently moved into being a silk scarf, billowing down to the earth.  Weightless and suspended, I felt the perfection of being in the flow.  Lastly, I was in water, curving into the curl of a wave and becoming foam, almost non-existent.   

My truth does not have to be any one else's truth.  It can be accepted or rejected; however, this is not reason enough for me not to believe in the Oneness of all things. Spiritual experiences have come to me during Shamanic Breath Work,  Hypnotic Regression, Dreamscapes, and Creative Visualization.  Even if these experiences separate me from the clucking of chickens, I will be  happily content gliding with the birds.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Completing Circuits

"Peace comes from within.
Do not seek it without.
Siddhartha Gautama

As I read various scripts from poets and writers, I came across a phrase that found a new home in my thoughts.  I do not remember the author, but the words suggested we 'assert' our lovely selves rather than 'project'.  So basic, yet it nudged me towards action.

At the foot of a new path, there is a dappled pattern before us.  We can stand there projecting how we can approach this next passage or we can assert our selves into action.  New information may enlighten our spirit, but if we do not blend it into our actions, there is no movement forward ... except in thought. 

The implication of maintaining brilliant knowledge is not enough to complete the circuit.  We must learn to apply it.  Knowledge put to use internally, impacts our presence externally.  When we can actively align our inner vibration with our outer presence we are moving towards unknown spiritual expectations.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Lifeless Relationships

"Live alone if staying together is lifeless."
Munia Khan

It took years to learn to identify my patterns.  Then even more time passed before I could recognize them mid-stream.  More unbelievable opportunities went by before I could correct my weaknesses in this pattern called life.  

I offer layers of giving to others, making them feel secure, and appreciated. I continue to add elevation of undeserved attention, not realizing I am not receiving anything in return.  In my efforts to rise to my self-appointed role, I unexpectedly discover that I have given too much, and now I am dry ... falling back into a shallow reality of no longer being me. 

Hindsight tells me I have more depth and enhancement when I am alone, not distracted.  I have more courage to move forward and broader options for creative expression. I don't have to hide who I am or turn my back to what I hold dear.  It is perhaps better to be fully me, even if it means being alone.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Spirit of Life


"Defeat may serve as well as victory
to shake the soul and let the glory out."
Edwin Markham

I sat before a lovely tree in an attempt to tap in to its essence.  I noticed endless roots at the base, stretching farther than one would expect.  Bark was separating in part and then there was life ... a green vine climbing up the side in the midst of the twines of other growth.

Shifting my vision farther up the tree, I realized there was an amazing umbrella of leaves sprouting from the snarled branches.  By simply glancing upwards, I felt hope stir within for new growth, and shelter for what I had previously discovered.

I then imagined the development of this strong tree, growing in spite of thunderstorms, unforgiving winds, blistering heat, and the endurance of an icy coat of winter snow.  To say nothing of the shedding of its beautiful leaves, standing naked, waiting for a new season of life. Yes, I tenderly placed my arms around the trunk of the tree.  As I departed, I thanked this lovely tree for sharing the spirit of life with me!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Striving For Love

"The whole point of life is to learn love.  Life is the school,
love is the lesson, and we are all here to teach each other."
Kate McGhan

When I graduated from college with a double major in psychology/sociology, my goal was still that of being a loving mother.  I gave birth to four children, loving each one for his or her essence, and trying to foster strengths and diminish shortcomings.  I realize, with age, these beloved individuals were teachers to me as well.  Given my habit of 'seeing within' rather than stark reality, my love choices have been damaging.  I focus upon giving love as I would want to be loved.  Foolishly, I spotted deceptions blatantly before me, but this little soldier continued to fight the war for love.  My lessons have guided me to a spiritual concept of Oneness.  I view all of us as having worth and it is not found in dollar signs.  I broaden my love for humans without judgment, and embracing diversity, blessing me with an endless sense of love.  I thrive in spite of my lovely self.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Strings Attached

"True friends are always together in spirit."
L.M. Montgomery

During the last few years, I have experienced the death of friends.  I keep them alive in my heart, and remain happy they have crossed over to another realm.  I do believe they are learning the importance of their human existence and adjusting to the existence now before them.

When I moved to Nashville, my circle of friends remained behind.  These women were 'sisters of my heart' who offered understanding, guidance, in depth conversations and numerous ways to express creativity. I continue to carry their essence in my body, mind, and spirit.

I cannot help but ponder if they will remain 'alive' to me when I, too, shall pass.  Will I be able to look back down upon them, extending vibrant energy for them to explore, expand, and enhance?  I suppose they will not identify an energy burst from me, but as long as they sense a loving presence, my spirit will continue to connect!

Friday, August 20, 2021

Dreams are Amazing!

"I think we dream so we don't have to be apart for so long.
If we are in each other's dreams, we can be together all the time."

As we toss and turn, waiting for sleep to come to us, our brain spins the wheel to select a dream content from various subjects.  The wheel might stop at love, loneliness, fear, dissolution, fantasy, violence or  illusion.  

Emotional aspects float into our dreams and symbols are readily present.  Sometimes it is not the actual person in the dream, but rather what that person represents.  Violence can be our repressed anger or fear.   A dream can be a slight pause out of reality, a reprieve floating in the midst of clouds or stars.

Not only does the singular dream hold important content, but when we track daily dreams by the week or month, an unseen pattern emerges.  An overall theme links  the daily dreams and we gain insight to an expanding picture.  Dreams impact our lives whether we recall them or not.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

What I Already Know

"Pick up your pieces.
Then help me gather mine."
Vera Nazarian

It is a common expectation to search for another person to make us feel whole.  We hoodwink our lovely selves by whispering that we will never be complete until we have a mate.  The truth, however, teaches us that we are improved partners if we are already whole.

Perhaps, it is more accurate to wish for a person to embrace all of our parts and disclose his or her intricate parts.  We can be the glue for each other, holding our parts together.  With an adhesive to support our diversity, we will hopefully enhance who we have grown to be.

There is knowledge stored within me, worthy of a book.  This does not mean, however, that I readily apply it to my own life.  I believe my experiences would unfold more positively if I had one of those dog collars that beeps when the dog barks.  I could wear it comfortably around my neck and it would beep every time I don't apply what I truly know.  Sigh ....


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Integrated Living

"Be whole in each thing.
Put all that you are
Into the least you do."
Fernando Pessoa

As water is poured into our plants or gardens, blend thoughts of goodness for healthy growth.  When we stand upon Mother Earth, feel the energy beneath the feet and imagine streams shooting up to the heavens from our heads.  As we prepare meals, we can be thankful for the gifts of produce and fruit.

Whether we grocery shop, run errands or visit elders, open the heart to bring light into those encountered.  Trash on the ground?  Dispose it out of respect to the earth as it struggles to overcome its own obstacles.  When we see someone less fortunate, send him or her a silent message, "Today experience insight!"

No matter how big or small the chore, if we sink our heart into the task, we open to enhanced attitudes. We can hum or sing or turn on music.  We open windows to the soul or inner being.  Life will reflect back to us how we engage in life.  If we visualize higher thinking/living, we will smoothly move through the challenges that approach us and discover the road to integrated living.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Clear Message


"All I know for certain is that I am connected
with something that is loving and wise."
Janet Connor
writing down your soul

In grade school, I began using a diary to express my confusion and uncertainty.  At the college prep academy, I found deeper expression through poetry and expressive writing.  While in college, my writing was actually encouraged by professors.  In opposition to my writings, my father had me burn all of my collections, which was a very clear message.

My desire to write flourished after college graduation and marriage.  Although I didn't share it with anyone, I knew I could depend upon the connection from where my thoughts originated.  I was continuously led to the mysteries of life and expansion to spiritual life. 

Well into my years after the children became adults, my tangents grew stronger and some were published along the way.  I no longer cared what others thought, as I believe I was still being used by spirit to express ideas to trigger new thoughts and creative outlets.  

Tools that accelerated my skill were:  Reiki Master; Karuna Reiki Master; Shamanic Breath work sessions; Certified in Tuning Forks; Native American Drumming; Sacral Cranial lessons; and rewarding conversations with like minded people.  Eventually, I was led into dream work opening the doors to even more realms and propelled into public speaking.  I am multi-sided not knowing where one edge ends and others blend.  I am indebted to the Divine Spirit for all of the messages given to me.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Priceless Smiles

"Let your smile change the world,
but don't let the world change your smile."
Connor Franta

In spite of being a city dweller, a smile was routinely positioned on my face. Cautions like "stranger danger" did not exist, and so I readily exchanged smiles with those I happened to pass on a busy street.  People readily returned a smile back to me, and it tended to lift my feelings.

When a child is having a melt down, I love to smile at the mom, silently expressing empathy.  When the line seems endless and moving in slow motion, a smile can help diffuse building stress.  A smile can be a gift offered to an elder navigating the streets on his or her own.  

The gift of a smile costs nothing. It opens silent communication, portraying a kinder world.  It is a recognition to imply, "I see you."    The return smile brightens my day and removes some of the isolation felt in a solitary life. It is part of a language without using words, but instantly igniting connection.


Sunday, August 15, 2021

Creative Resolution

"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity."
Albert Einstein

Consciously creating and holding our lovely selves accountable will help move us towards calm; however,  life itself has challenging lessons.  To minimize a situation, we can corral our emotions and discern the lesson.  

If we stand back, viewing a challenge from differing angles, we can apply the best approach. It may still be challenging, but we will move through the chaos with as little turmoil as possible.  When we identify the lesson being learned, we begin to realize it is a repeat from our past.

As humans, we are here to create and experience the physical aspects of life.  They are not always kind, but ultimately help to build our character and perceptions. The incorrect question, "Why is this happening to me?" is replaced by "What am I to learn?"  We can be a victim of our circumstances or we can address strife with creative resolution.


Saturday, August 14, 2021

Distraction from Sorrow

"A single beat from the heart of a lover is
capable of driving out a hundred sorrows."
Naguib Mahfouz

There is something about a touch from a lover that makes the chaos of life fade away.  If we can gaze into the eyes with trust, there is the blessing of being understood.  An embrace connects us with a sense of protection.  In a brief moment, all worry fades away.

When we are not in a physical relationship, we can receive similar aspects from nature.  Standing barefoot upon Mother Earth can solidify our body, mind and spirit. To sit in stillness, listening to the songs of the birds, observing the flight of a butterfly, and feeling the deep touch of the wind can connect us sensuously. 

When we develop communication with Divine Spirit, we are not necessarily verbal.  We can close our eyes and sense the presence of something greater than human.  We can listen for wisdom, and guidance.  We can mentally see images or destinations.  Our imagination can embellish what we need to feel pertinent and loved.


Friday, August 13, 2021

Loss, Align, Gain

"Freedom is the ability to make conscious choices
in accord with our deepest values."
Mary Pipher

When we are on overload, we quickly react without appropriate consideration.  We have random thoughts bombarding us, so we cannot focus accurately on any one thing. (This was once called 'the knee jerk' reaction).  Acting on impulse, whims, and impulse, we make self-destructive decisions.

When we declutter our minds and align the body, mind, and spirit, we create better connections, observations, and estimate long time effect.  Clarity issues a freedom to choose our best options.  We clearly view 'best case scenarios' to frame our situations.

Even when life unexpectedly knocks us down, which it will, clarity of thought will propel us forward into acceptance and repair. Mishaps offer opportunities to learn life's lessons and enhance our quality of life.  Even when chaos extracts a treasure, we can be resilient knowing there are positive experiences awaiting us.


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Version of Self

"We, when aligned with our consciousness can be the most
powerful, unstoppable version of ourselves."
Mridula Singh

It is one thing to sit in darkness enlightened by the moon beams, and it is another thing, to pull this energy into the sunshine of our lives.  As we develop our inner selves, feeling connected and inspired, the goal is to bring that presence into daily living.  The harmony created between in the inner and the outer creates bliss.

If we fail to build a connection, we will wear our selves out being one person here and then a different person there.  We do not feel united, but divided.  We will chaff against the barrier creating disharmony.  The energy of the moon when blended with our earthly existence, enhances all that we are meant to be.

Gathering strength from our spiritual core, we enter into the world of humans, with peaceful power building an enhanced version of the self. When we present as a beacon of light, we will attract like minded resources or kindred spirits.  We will face all challenges with kindness and grace, applying each lesson to body, mind and soul.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Internalizing Misguided Belief

"The truth is that we internalize what we hear."
Rosie Molinary

It is truly amazing how many negative voices are recorded in our memory banks.  Unaware, false criticism circulates repeatedly, to the extent of believing what we hear as true.  Phrases hanging in our heads override truth and diminish natural ability. We unknowingly digest whatever is spoon fed.

"You are smarter than this," or "You should be more athletic," or "Your choices will never help you to succeed."  Interest in music or writing or dancing will never support a proper life ...  so they said. Never once did we ever stop to examine the real motivation behind adult override. Who's dream are we fulfilling? 

Adults directed us to schools they never had the chance to attend or insisted on children attending an Alma Mater.  We were programed for family businesses or occupations even though our genius pointed in a different direction.  Our eagerness to please minimizes our desires as we follow someone else's dreams.  To deprogram our lovely selves it is helpful to repeat mantras such as:  I am good enough ... I respect my self ... I am worthy!

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Absence of Touch

"There waits a deep and simple pulse that 
we need from each other in order to be whole."
Mark Nepo

As Director of the Foster Grandparent Program, I made a point to rotate around the large tables, resting my hands on the shoulders of these seniors.  The majority of them lived alone without family connections.  As I gently touched each individual, his or her spirit would react to the touch.

Deliberately, I would maintain one on one eye contact.  My attempts were to make each human feel connected and recognized.  Liberal praise was given to them for the exchanges they made with young school children.  In these classrooms, the senior would experience love and attention.

Our society is very mobile.  Family members can be strewn across states or even countries.  Church or community potlucks and Sunday family gatherings have decreased with time.  Holidays are altered to a day when all can be present.  We tend to gather hugs where we may as career exchanges dwindle, and neighbors move away. Where does one find physical exchange?  I find it by holding the hands of my grandchildren, encouraging hugs with them, and cuddling when I can.


Monday, August 9, 2021

Shedding Skin

"We need to incubate who we are within layers
of who we may become."
Mark Nepo

Mark Nepo compares our bodies to fruit ... having both skin and sweetness inside ... and how we incubate or shed our covering.  He shares, if we get caught up in creating our goals within, the ripeness of our original desire may be rotten.

With this same concept, Mark Nepo states we strive to free our lovely selves from coverings we have out grown.  It is a condition we may experience throughout our lives.  There is a need to embrace our dreams and our challenges in order to mature.

Fruits can be over watered, get too much sun or simply rot on the vines. Some are more perishable than others while others may taste sour when sweetness had been expected.  All of this points to our own need to be accountable, to look within, and focus on personal growth.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Dweller Within


"These bodies are perishable,
but the Dweller in these bodies are eternal."

Even as a child, I held a deep awareness of a presence within me.  On the outside, I depended upon an automatic pilot to be viewed as normal.  I felt grounded within and at risk with the outer.  I totally embraced the knowledge that seemed beyond my years.

This sacred place within me would house Jesus, spirit guides, magic of nature, over thirty years of Reiki and a fierce observation of others.  I could walk into any situation and immediately sense the emotional vibration.  At length, I could get lost into the clouds and sky; the moon and stars; and an intense connection with water.

As I am aging, the sense of the inner dweller increases.  My physical body, although exceptionally strong and healthy, seems to feel less important.  Although the presence of chaos in our world and communities is acutely  noticed, my inner self tends to rise above in search of peace and calm. I believe one day I shall shed my body and return to a realm of love and oneness.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Manifesting Kindness As Strength

"Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair,
but manifestations of strength and resolutions."
Khalil Gibran 

Terrible thunderstorms with lightening and thunder passed though the other night.  My four and a half year old grandson is afraid of thunder, but his two and a half year old sister is scared of lightening.  Progressively more intense, I gathered my grandkids into a bed holding them both.  

Although obviously frightened, my grandson, in his sleep, would reach over and gently touch his sister's arm.  My granddaughter in her own fright would pat her brother's back.  Tenderness and kindness were the exchanges in spite of fear.

To react with kindness is difficult when others are in our face or life is dissolving around us.  It takes strength to be tender, risking the unknown response of others.  When we remain mindful and choose kindness, we will draw closer to resolution leaving fewer scars.  Healing transpires through the strength of kindness rather than impulsive judgment.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Without Intention to Brainwash

"The main object of teaching is not to give explanations,
but to knock at the doors of the mind."
Rabindranath Tagore

Over the years, I have had numerous occasions to publicly Articulate Silence, Decipher Dreams and Explore Inner Landscapes.  My motivation was to share what I had learned in hopes of broadening other's understanding.  

Similar to reading a book, a listener has the choice to capture what stimulates them personally or agree to disagree.  Either way, belief systems can be stretched and grown more deeply.  What is important is how other's wisdom opens doors, moves us from one point to another, or strengthens what we believe.

How can I apply new knowledge?  Does it guide us to new beginnings or simply broaden our perspectives?  Without intention to brain wash, a person's desire can be just sharing, and offering personal experience.  We grow stagnant if we do not open our lovely selves to new awareness.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Deciphering Dreams


"Dreams are illustrations ... from the book
your soul is writing about you.
Marsha Norman

Dream recall can be available to anyone who is willing to consciously prepare. Before sleep clear the mind; place paper and pen next to the bed; and wear something like a ring/watch/bracelet that will remind you upon waking to be still and recall.  

Immediately writing down our dreams prior to visiting the bathroom or checking phone, increases the  recall of illustrations and themes.  The people who have appeared might be reflecting a certain quality or characteristic.  Write everything down to be configured.

Our surroundings tell us if we are in the past or current time.  Emotions will be detected by water, fire or acting out.  There is nothing to be ashamed of.  The particular room or vehicle also deepen our understanding.  A dream contains enormous content to better understand both inner and outer reflections.  Be comfortable contacting me at vec8@yahoo.com or check out www.decipheringdreams.blogspot.com 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

When No One Listens ...

"No man ever made a great discovery 
without the exercise of the imagination."
George Henry Lewes


As a child shares what he sees or senses, adults normally disregard the information as 'made up'.  The children often are told to stop telling stories which diminishes the brilliance of the mind.  As we grow, we learn the necessity of keeping quiet about things we believe to be precise and accurate. Farther along, we censor what is shared knowing no one listens.

Years ago in GUIDEPOST magazine, a story was shared about a little boy who almost drowned in his backyard pool.  He told his mom that a man came and helped him to safety.  The mom was puzzled as the yard was completely enclosed with a privacy fence and locked gates. She had seen her son floundering at the bottom of the pool. When she ran outside, the boy was out of the pool, and no one else was present.

The mother and child went back inside.  Later, the little boy searched for his mom to show her an old picture of the man who saved him.  The man was his father who had died after the son's birth.  He told his mom in great detail of characteristics and physical identification.  An open mind and healthy imagination assist us to experience the bigger picture.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Get Out of the Way!


"Simplicity brings more happiness than complexity."
Jack Kornfield

It is beneficial to organize segments of our lives, but to over analyze or develop intricate projections can rob one of unique experiences.   When we get out of our own way, the Universe, Divine Spirit, God can place us in a flow to carry us where we uniquely need to be.

God has a plan, and if our minds are jammed full of clutter, we may never hear the prompts so freely given.  If we are distracted, we may not see the magic surrounding us.  The significance of incidents may be lost to us, if our minds are not open.

When we simplify our body, mind, and spirit, space becomes available for new experiences.  Even if we remain in the same spot, seeing with new eyes, hearing in silence, and open our hearts, we sense a connectedness. When the drama and chaos are no longer driving us, we discover a stillness where all things become possible. 

Monday, August 2, 2021

Nature Begetting Nature

"There is something of the marvelous
in all things of nature."

There is a bird feeder hanging from the backyard fence.  It has been filled numerous times with sunflower seeds.  It has been uplifting to watch the stream of birds flying in for food.    These birds, a wide range,  calm my soul and remind me of the connection with all there is.

A few weeks ago, little sprouts were breaking ground beneath the feeder.  The lawnmower moved discreetly around the patch.  In time it was quite apparent that sunflowers were now growing.  They brought excitement, color, and the graceful way nature continuously enters our life.

This gathering of sunny yellow flowers, awaken me to the never ending impact nature brings.  It broadens my insight regarding respect and honor to earth, water, wind and fire.  These summer flowers reflect a commitment to nurturing, planting, and creating, resulting even farther ... thinking of oil, seeds, and creative challenge.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Dark Hole or New Door

"This, too, shall pass and we will find solutions."
Louise Hay

The Universe is shifting, the world is in chaos, and life is not aligned.  A reading this morning stated that we can either step into a dark hole or step through a doorway.  I have the tendency to choose the new open door, but there seems to be a long hallway prior to the door.

Someone once said to me, "Well, aren't you the brave little soldier!"  Facing this reality, I dropped the disguise, quit pushing to survive.  I learned to relax into my lovely self, and build upon personal strengths and explore with creative curiosity.  Finally, I liked me!

Now there has been relocation, isolation, and dead ends to my intentions.  I am retreating back into critical thinking and losing my pulse with positive thinking. I believe in the Law of Attraction and know it is vitally important to make healthy choices. My energy shifts in reaction to the Universe, Chaos, and exit from comfort zone. Strengthening my inner peace, I will find my way back into the flow.