Friday, May 19, 2017

Courage to Be

"Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to
love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others."  Brene Brown

To thrive in a healthy way, individuals need touch and recognition, just as nature requires water and sunshine.   Both humans and nature need to be tended to, nurtured, and encouraged.  Without these elements, negative behavior accelerates and delicate petals become overgrown by weeds.

We want to please the caregivers in our life.  We want to thank them for supporting us and enhancing us in various ways.  This does not mean, however, we make allowances for anyone to  ignore our boundaries or resist our best calculated decisions.

The act of kindness towards others is ideal, but not at the cost of self.  Boundaries are challenging to build and even more difficult to reinforce.   As we progress through life, we will not always please everyone, but with integrity we will continue to prosper.

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