Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Cleansed and Replenished

"Life's trials will test you and shape you,
but don't let them change who you are."  
Aaron Lauritsen

Developing a support system is vital for personal and spiritual growth.  If we are overwhelmed by an unexpected crisis, visiting our safe place will help in the discovery of appropriate action.  Those who gather around us are like mirrors, reflecting and reminding us of our strengths and choices.

In search of fulfillment, we will learn to be adaptable and to enhance our skills.  When faced with opposition, the easy way is adjusting our self to the situation while the best choice may be to change the situation itself.  The decision requires us to be alert and insightful based upon our integrity.

I once watched a small child dancing in a public fountain.  He was not distracted by strangers laughing at him nor was he concerned by his parents yelling at him.  Sure of himself, he stood in the out pouring of water from the fountain.  He was cleansed and replenished without being altered.  This, too, is how we must be ... cleansed and replenished without being altered.

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