Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Washed by Tears

"There is an ancient tribal proverb I once heard in India.
It says that before we can see properly we must first shed
our tears to clear the way."
Libba Bray

Living a good life does not suggest living without pain or sorrow.  Crisis penetrates unexpectedly and  strengthens the skills for survival.  Inflicted pain harms the body, mind and spirit, but it also accentuates determination and will power.  Grief inflicts loss and after our hearts begin to heal, we begin to see life differently.

We have free choice to either shut down from the world or to open ourselves wider in spite of the emotional risk.  If we can accept what has happened and move beyond the hardship, our newly created energy attracts goodness.

We begin to shift our values and the rewards of life are no longer appearing as money or fame.  Appreciation for small acts of kindness, beauty in nature, and the intriguing stories of others grow in importance.  Our vision is washed by tears, and the depth of life spans before us.

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