Friday, May 5, 2017

Lying Never The Safest Exit

"It is not easy to keep silent when silence is a lie."
Victor Hugo

Confrontation frequently stimulates silence, even when the truth is obvious.  We weigh the situation back and forth, wondering which would be more painful ... silence or truth.  We wonder just how much others know and devise a way to minimize our response.

We have been on both sides of truth and silence.  Our kids have misconstrued the truth to weasel out of being grounded while our adult children have altered facts so we are on a need to know basis.  It happens on the job with our boss and regretfully there are times when our best buds don't look us directly in the eye.

We have no control over others so our focus falls to whether or not we remain silent or tell the truth.  Examine the intention to inform and qualify how factual our truth may be.  Respect boundaries, honor the self and act with integrity.  Although it appears to be the easy way out, lying is never the safest exit.

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