Saturday, May 27, 2017

Life Is An Escalator

"I exist only in the soles of my feet
and in the tired muscles of my thighs. 
We have been walking for hours it seems.  
But where?  I cannot remember."
Virginia Woolf, THE WAVES

Images of life begin to blur together.  What was once so crisp and clear becomes vague and uncertain. It is discerning at first and then it falls into an unnoticed habit.  The essence of experience remains  important as the characters tend to fall away.

It can be challenging to remember the chance meetings of our youth, but our love relations tend to linger in memory.  The heartbreaks tend to stand out in the midst of the stories, with little regard to the short happy endings.

It is as though life is an escalator and we keep moving our feet upward towards higher ground. What was once important has fallen to the way side, and new meaning is given to life ever after.  Situations are seen more simply and dramas are no longer our concern.

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