Monday, May 29, 2017

Utterance of the Soul

"Poetry is the unexpected utterance of the Soul."
Mark Nepo

Deep in discussion, we may hear ourselves make a powerful statement.  Colleagues or close friends may turn to us in question as if to say, "Where did that come from?"  We may never be aware of the knowledge buried within us.  Once we get our juices flowing, we may be amazed at the insights that seem to come from nowhere.

We house information not only from our past, but from the history of others.  We stockpile words from books we read, plays we see, or music we hear.  Ironically, they frequently support each other making an incredible observation.

Unaware, words gather together and form wisdom in our minds.  When we journal or engage in meaningful discussions we process what we may think is random thought into statements that resonate in our soul.  When the soul speaks, poetry is formed.

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