Sunday, May 7, 2017

Spiritual Forces

"In essence, we are deeper than being;
we are character, which contains forces
of love, justice, kindness, faith, and forgiveness."
Garey Gordon

Mysterious moments in life allow us to feel powerful beyond the physical structure of life.  We are exhilarated as we make choices from our higher self to best meet the needs of others.  When the spiritual aspects of living are flowing, we indeed feel the presence of Divine.

Life presents options and we are faced with choices.  Our chosen actions will either regress our progress or enhance the life experience.  Depending upon our boundaries or the level of awareness  we sustain, freedom of choice determines in which direction we travel.

When we apply our spiritual forces of love, kindness and forgiveness we are helping to create healthy landscapes for others.   Even when we have lost our way, it remains imperative to act with character and integrity.  Together, lifting each other, we take grand strides towards peace on earth.

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