Saturday, May 13, 2017

Curb Lashing Tongue

"whatever you do 
be gentle with yourself.
you don't just live in this world 
or your home.
or your skin.
you also live 
in someone's eyes."
 Sanober Khan

We convince ourselves we never impact life which is a falsehood as the simple motion of moving through our days or nights vibrates into the awareness of others.  Wandering in the midst of strangers or attending a silent retreat, our presence does not go unnoticed.

We live in contradiction by treating others with acts of kindness or gentle words, but we are harsh in judging ourselves and critical of our actions.  Why do we use words against our lovely self that we would otherwise never utter out loud against another human being.

If we constantly drop inward and connect with our Divine, we can curb our lashing tongue as we deepen our awareness of our own gentle spirit. If we choose to see our beauty through the eyes of love and not critical assessments, our actions will continuously brighten the world.

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