Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Growing Essence

"Your worst sin is a failure to love yourself.
If you loved yourself, none of the rest would have happened."
Luanne Rice
Stone Heart

Chaos does not just happen to us.  It comes deliberately to strengthen our abilities to thrive.  It is a presenting opportunity to step up into what we normally ignore.  Courage and bravery swell whether we begin with baby steps or if we are thrown into a flaming fire.

Life is chaos challenging us to grow fully into our best sense of self.  If we believe or if we have been taught that we are lessen than or lacking intelligence, the struggle is increased and the desire to overcome fades.

When faced with failure, consider it a wake up call to engage passion with desire in spite of what faces us.  When we invite the Universe or Divine Spirit to join us in our seemingly impossible endeavors, we begin to respect and love our growing essence.

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