Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Without Fears of Tomorrow

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow,
it empties today of its strength."
Corrie ten Boom

Core strength contributes to the alignment of body, mind, and spirit.  If we are grounded or rooted in confidence and self-respect, we are better prepared for challenges.  Being whole allows us to stay in the moment to enjoy the present experience.  There is no room for worry.

Worry is a thief, consciously or unconsciously stealing precious moments from us.  It whittles away at our comfort zone, leaving gouges for fear to burrow in.  Then begins the inappropriate eating for comfort,or numerous addictions of all kind, 

When we are 'ill at ease' we are vulnerable in our body, mind, and soul.  'Dis-ease' creates illness within our bodies like migraines, ulcers, or depression.  If we sustain our healthy bodies and calm minds with spiritual support, we will successfully enjoy the strength of today without fears of tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

A Way to Cope

"Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it's the way it is.
The way you cope with that is what make the difference."
Virginia Satir

My spiraling journey has led me in all directions for a deep and beautiful life filled with human error and personal growth.  I venture forward to the unseen depths of space and time.  I am a wayfarer and there is so much left to be seen.

If I sit in a safe place, my travel immediately begins.  My eyes gently close and sounds from life grow thin.  Feet firmly on the ground secures me while my mind is free to explore realms of peace and solitude.

The world I physically live in seems filled with hate and anger.  I cringe thinking of God's children without clothes or food and individuals experiencing filth and despair.  So it is when I go to my safe place and absorb the endless light,  I return beaming love into all of the desperate places.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Utterance of the Soul

"Poetry is the unexpected utterance of the Soul."
Mark Nepo

Deep in discussion, we may hear ourselves make a powerful statement.  Colleagues or close friends may turn to us in question as if to say, "Where did that come from?"  We may never be aware of the knowledge buried within us.  Once we get our juices flowing, we may be amazed at the insights that seem to come from nowhere.

We house information not only from our past, but from the history of others.  We stockpile words from books we read, plays we see, or music we hear.  Ironically, they frequently support each other making an incredible observation.

Unaware, words gather together and form wisdom in our minds.  When we journal or engage in meaningful discussions we process what we may think is random thought into statements that resonate in our soul.  When the soul speaks, poetry is formed.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Hearken, Divine Speaks

"I am me, and I am Okay."
Virginia Satir

Life is a journey leading us deep within our core.  The roads are exquisite and the landmarks unforgettable.  Who we meet and where we linger are monuments to our unfolding path leading to the         observation of our authentic self. 

Energy withdrawn from forming judgment or ridicule sweeps us into creative outlets.  The rush of fresh understanding or the burn of passion spurs us further into our depths of understanding.  Movement creates a unique vibration which enlivens our spirit.

As we embrace the entirely of our life experiences, we grow with understanding.  There is no right nor wrong, only choices from which we learn.  Hearken, the Divine speaks to us within our hearts in hopes that we will follow.


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Life Is An Escalator

"I exist only in the soles of my feet
and in the tired muscles of my thighs. 
We have been walking for hours it seems.  
But where?  I cannot remember."
Virginia Woolf, THE WAVES

Images of life begin to blur together.  What was once so crisp and clear becomes vague and uncertain. It is discerning at first and then it falls into an unnoticed habit.  The essence of experience remains  important as the characters tend to fall away.

It can be challenging to remember the chance meetings of our youth, but our love relations tend to linger in memory.  The heartbreaks tend to stand out in the midst of the stories, with little regard to the short happy endings.

It is as though life is an escalator and we keep moving our feet upward towards higher ground. What was once important has fallen to the way side, and new meaning is given to life ever after.  Situations are seen more simply and dramas are no longer our concern.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Top of the Mountain

"Believe in your unique steps up the mountain."
Brittany Burgunder

Unusual situations can be frightening especially when we have to find our own way.  An uncluttered road is hardly our path.  The more we embrace the idea of being unique, the less we will be patterning our steps after others.

When we create our adventures we move forward with broad lenses and endless anticipation.  If we simply duplicate an established path, our view is narrowed and filled with expectation.  There is no joy found in duplicating an established  path as our own becomes overgrown with waiting weeds.

There are so many ways to travel to the top:  hike, swing, twist, dodge, hide, carry or hoist.  Our movement depends upon sure footing and awareness.  There is glory at the top of the mountain, but the climb marks the heart, body and soul creating authentic life experience.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Where the Judgment Falls

"To feel intensely is not symptom of weakness,
it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate." 
Anthon St. Maarten

Overly sensitive has been an adjective used as a negative to describe my lovely self by others.  Agreed, I used to become too intently involved, but even now as as observer, I continue to perceive illness or pain whether physical or mental or spiritual in others.

It is a double edge sword to be in tune with the vibrations of others. It takes courage to control the impulse to help when I know the information is not yet ready to be received. Each person must be prepared for insightful truths, and the timing is not up to me.

I believe it is a weakness to deny our intuition and to minimize our personal gifts.  It takes bravery to face the world knowing our gifts are not generally embraced or readily pursued.  To be truly living, we must know and utilize all parts of our self on some level, no matter where the judgment falls.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Importance of Exchange

"When you see people only as personalities,
rather than souls with life missions to fulfill,
you forever limit the growth and possibilities
of what God has in store for another person."
Shannon L. Alder

With dread coursing through me, I greeted the woman with kindness in spite of the negativity that was bulging out from her presence.  I immediately created an aura of love to surround me and repressed my eagerness to judge. I reminded myself of all the layers we each possess. 

I quickly began to bombard her with questions about her life and as each crisis unfolded, I searched  between her layers hoping to find a sense of spiritual essence.  Why did this lady trigger me so?  I did not yearn to be anything like her nor did I wish for any posturing in her life.  

Plastering a smile upon my face when she depleted her dramas, I wished her well and excused myself.  While I walked away, I speculated as to what I needed to learn.  It then dawned on me ... I have no reason to understand or experience the essence of others, (although it is usually very inspiring) as each of us have a mission designed by the Divine.  Respect, honor, and integrity become the importance of the exchange and trust pivotal in the larger scheme that I cannot see.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Authentic Nature

"The more boundless your vision,
the more real you are."
Deepak Chopra

By stretching our bodies, we strengthen our souls.  Just as we push our physical limits, we heave against the negative conditioning of ego.  We step beyond the barrier of fear, encouraging our lovely selves into the possibility of bliss.

As beginners, we wonder why we ever attempted the challenge.  As we integrate the skill, we are encouraged to master it.  Upon mastering what we once thought impossible. charges the connection between body, mind, and spirit.

When we are able to link our body, mind, and spirit through creativity such as yoga, arts or meditation, we create a greater sense of who we really are.  The awareness of an inner child or a guardian angel or intimacy with the Divine awakens us to our authentic nature.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Dare to be Powerful

"When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength
in service of my vision, then it becomes less and
less important whether I am afraid." 
Audre Lorde

There is a gift hidden inside each hardship and while we work our way through healing, the nugget begins to shine.  The gift does not take away the memory of the pain, but it allows us to benefit from the tumultuous experience.  The reward may be immediate or developed over time.

The coping skill of dissociation gifts the individual with the ability to create other scenarios.  They can be artistic portals or simply a place of an imaginary safe haven.  This habit of withdrawal is not necessarily healthy, but it does condition the mind to become less afraid and feel more powerful.  

What was once a coping mechanism, years later becomes a positive tool.  We can return to our safe space, not in haste, but in search of creativity.  Our mind has already been doused with color and imagination so easing through the portals strengthens and encourages our intuition, insight, and projections.  Meditation, contemplation and visualization heightens our present day experience.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

I Simply Flew

"Gratitude builds a bridge to abundance."
Roy Bennett

I carried my heavy heart while slowly approaching a bridge.  I could feel the darkness seeping through my fingers, spilling over while tainting everything surrounding me.  With bare feet connecting with the earth, I began to breathe slowly,  inhaling the richness of the earth, and exhaling the black mold within.  

As I placed my feet onto the bridge, I set intention to cleanse and enhance my perspective.  I envisioned myself refocused upon reaching the center of the bridge and uplifted as I exited the  length of the bridge.

I began by being thankful for the experience of life, moving on to the blessings of my children and the friends I revere as family.  A small flicker of hope began to shine at the center of the bridge.  I broadened my thanksgiving to the beauty of nature always enlightening me.   As I reached the end of the bridge, my heart was overflowing with majestic thoughts of the oneness of the Universe ... it was at this point, I simply flew.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Sprigs of Creativity

"Honor your  desire for a new life.
Say yes to the small inklings  of 
interest and curiosity that present
themselves each day." 
Lynn A. Robinson

Sprigs of creativity push up through our muddled thinking, hoping to receive attention.  We catch a glimpse of a picture reflecting our desire or hear a musical ditty that awakens more of our yearning.  Then coincidences begin to happen.  We see an advertisement for a gathering or a class is offered or someone mentions they are replacing their creative tools and would you want the old?

Coincidences escort us a little farther down the path of exploration.  Instead of just a passing thought, our curiosity begins to form a greater scope.  Possibilities crop up and friends may encourage, but we remain reluctant to follow the lark.

The time to begin is now.  Do not wait for a perfect moment, money for a studio, or plenty of time.   Rearrange time and modify the urge, beginning with the supplies on hand, and chip away at the mental barriers the ego throws before us.  The biggest task is gathering the energy to just begin.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Courage to Be

"Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to
love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others."  Brene Brown

To thrive in a healthy way, individuals need touch and recognition, just as nature requires water and sunshine.   Both humans and nature need to be tended to, nurtured, and encouraged.  Without these elements, negative behavior accelerates and delicate petals become overgrown by weeds.

We want to please the caregivers in our life.  We want to thank them for supporting us and enhancing us in various ways.  This does not mean, however, we make allowances for anyone to  ignore our boundaries or resist our best calculated decisions.

The act of kindness towards others is ideal, but not at the cost of self.  Boundaries are challenging to build and even more difficult to reinforce.   As we progress through life, we will not always please everyone, but with integrity we will continue to prosper.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Conversation Begins ...

"The relationship with yourself must be built and rebuilt
one kind, loving, conversation at a time."  Vironika Tugaleva

There are multiple ways to have a conversation with our lovely self.  If we can quiet our mind with meditation or contemplation, we can intuitively connect with our inner being or soul.  Using creativity and imagination, we can create insightful scenarios to expand our dreams.

Various artists in cross sections of art, experience the guidance as they use a unique gift or talent.  As they compose or draw, information streams through them and it is captured by sound or vision.  The practice of yoga can also become a form of communication.

Then there is journal writing which has grown in current popularity, but it has existed since ancient cultures.  With pen in hand, a stream of ideas flow and become expanded upon as the automatic writing continues.  Pick up a paintbrush, guitar or pen and allow the inner conversation to begin!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Surface Again

"Treat all the bad things like dreams, Kenzie.  
That way, no matter how scary or dark they get, 
you just have to survive until you wake up."
Victoria Schwab, THE UNBOUND

Looking down at the cracks in the side walk, I am careful to step over each one.  Sometimes, I walk too fast and what looks like a crease turns into a dark crevice which swallows me whole.  When my eyes get accustomed to the dark, I know from previous tumbles to look up for the light.

Climbing towards the opening generates a small sense of hope.  I praise my lovely self for remembering how to find my way up, with minimum rips and tears.  I make endless promises of how not to forget these  lessons, all the while knowing I inevitably will tumble again.

What once bled is now a scar, but the memory of shame never fades.  I have sustained, endured, and risen above which once held me slave.  The sound of the dragging chains have fallen to the past, and the sweet melody of life greets me as I surface, once again.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Cleansed and Replenished

"Life's trials will test you and shape you,
but don't let them change who you are."  
Aaron Lauritsen

Developing a support system is vital for personal and spiritual growth.  If we are overwhelmed by an unexpected crisis, visiting our safe place will help in the discovery of appropriate action.  Those who gather around us are like mirrors, reflecting and reminding us of our strengths and choices.

In search of fulfillment, we will learn to be adaptable and to enhance our skills.  When faced with opposition, the easy way is adjusting our self to the situation while the best choice may be to change the situation itself.  The decision requires us to be alert and insightful based upon our integrity.

I once watched a small child dancing in a public fountain.  He was not distracted by strangers laughing at him nor was he concerned by his parents yelling at him.  Sure of himself, he stood in the out pouring of water from the fountain.  He was cleansed and replenished without being altered.  This, too, is how we must be ... cleansed and replenished without being altered.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Better to be Strong

"Better to be strong than pretty and useless."
Lilith Saintcrow

Just because your heart is open does not mean you will not be hurt.
Just because you stand in the light does not mean darkness will not come.

What is right for you does not make it right for all.
What is correct in one situation may be inappropriate in an other.

Your laughter may be exhilarating, yet sound like criticism to someone else's ear.
Your weeping may be unbearable without shedding a tear.

Just because you love fully does not mean you will be loved in return.
Just because you are loved does not mean you will not be alone.

The challenge to leave the heart open, vulnerable to repeated rejection or pain can be devastating.  One must move through relationships with courage, aware the outcome can veer off into any direction.  To live with love in our heart for others, does not mean we will escape the darkness of pain or disillusion.   There is no guarantee we will not experience isolation even within relationship.

The ability to be flexible, to transition without rigid expectation will assist in navigating through the inconsistencies of life.  What once was an endearment may now sound like an insult.  Laughter may seem inappropriate, but it may be the only way we know to release pent up anguish.

My goal has never been to be pretty nor has it been to be useless.  Most definitely, I do not feel pretty useless as I know now how to respond with grace and thanksgiving.  Like everyone, my life has been filled with challenges, but discovering the lesson within creates the development of the soul.  Being strong allows us to weep without tears, yet sob with joy.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Drifted Out To Sea

"Mother was anchor.   Mother was comfort.  Mother was home.
A girl who lost her mother was suddenly a tiny boat on an angry
ocean. Some boats eventually floated ashore.  And some boats,
like, me, seemed to float farther and farther from land."  
Ruta Sepetys

Mother's Day floods my mind with memories of raising my four children.  My youngest, a girl, was born on Mother's Day ...  the gift that keeps on giving.  My years of motherhood were not emotionally fluent by any means, but I positively loved being a parent.  Each of my children brought a gift to me and they carved deeply into my character.

Mother's Day is always a mix of emotions.  Facebook is filled with testimonials about perfect mothers.  Memoirs are filled with angst over the loss of a mother.  Television is filled with a smorgasbord of scenarios (all positive), balloons, and flowers.

It is not until the end of the day that I allow myself to think of my own mother.  In hindsight, she had a very difficult life  scarred by family dynamics, emotional challenges, and unhealthy relationships.  I mainly resemble my mother and she did pass down her creative ways to me.  However, I was a boat afloat on an angry ocean that drifted out to sea.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Curb Lashing Tongue

"whatever you do 
be gentle with yourself.
you don't just live in this world 
or your home.
or your skin.
you also live 
in someone's eyes."
 Sanober Khan

We convince ourselves we never impact life which is a falsehood as the simple motion of moving through our days or nights vibrates into the awareness of others.  Wandering in the midst of strangers or attending a silent retreat, our presence does not go unnoticed.

We live in contradiction by treating others with acts of kindness or gentle words, but we are harsh in judging ourselves and critical of our actions.  Why do we use words against our lovely self that we would otherwise never utter out loud against another human being.

If we constantly drop inward and connect with our Divine, we can curb our lashing tongue as we deepen our awareness of our own gentle spirit. If we choose to see our beauty through the eyes of love and not critical assessments, our actions will continuously brighten the world.

Friday, May 12, 2017

The Gift of Holding Space

  "When we hold space for other people, we open our hearts, 
offer unconditional support, and let go of judgement and control."

We may not want to be involved in other people's drama, but turning a cold shoulder may not be aligned with who we are inside.  Be present without obligation to cure, resolve, or advise.  Holding space is the ability to let the person stand in their own situation, but offer silence as a witness.

It is not helpful to shame a person who is already in the midst of failure as either they have learned the lesson or will repeat it.  As we hold space, we can generously hug to give physical comfort or we can simply be an alert listener without offering response.

Holding space relieves us of any sense of control, judgement, or outcome.  There is not a responsibility to alleviate the problem.  We are simply called to be present with an open heart.  We can become a safe place for the person to face themselves and not feel alone.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Touch Spirals Until the End

"I missed talking to you, and playing with you,
and touching you, and seeing you smile.  I 
missed just ... sitting next to you.  I've never missed 
anyone or anything that much."
Mila Ferrera

While traveling the spiral of life, I gave birth to three boys. On Mother's Day, however, my daughter was born and altered our family forever.  As she traveled her own spiral, she developed values for her life ... love, compassion, achievement, and spunk.

We have been blessed as our individual spirals are closely entwined.  We learn from each other,  we are present for each other, and unconditionally enjoy one and other.  Her cycle has carried her into career, marriage, and a glorious little boy.

My daughter and I talk about everything imaginable and find various ways to play.  We travel together, read by each other's side, and surrender to hugs in hopes they will last until the next time.
I could list her achievements followed by her degrees and accent with her physical description, but her radiant soul is what truly shines.  Happy Birthday, Amanda Rose and may Divine Spirit continue to protect and bless you even after our spirals end.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Electric Bolt of Energy, Ryan

"It may be that mothers have a hard time discerning between when sons need comforting and when they need bucking up. Here's a rule of thumb:  If he hasn't faced the trial yet, or he's in the midst of it - encourage him.  If he's been to the wars and is limping home wounded - comfort him.  Once the wounds are bound up, encourage him to rise and face the fight again."  Hal and Melanie Young

My second son, Ryan, was the most difficult to raise.  He challenged me at every turn while endearing himself in the depths of my heart.  He was raw physical action and his mind traveled to vast depths of the soul.  Whether sitting on the highest branch of the tree or deeply hidden in the darkness of a long closet, he was comfortable with himself.

This electric bolt of energy  tried the patience of others.  He calculated the integrity of others and offered extreme loyalty to the few he welcomed as friend.  He maintained a sense about people which altered his choices in life.   The tag, Private Loner, perhaps applies, but it is far from describing the heart of this man.

As a successful businessman, invested father, and long time husband, he finds creative ways to solve his problems.  His awkward ways of loving and his quirky sense of humor ensures feisty moments.  Happy Birthday to my son, Ryan, with sincere thanks for 46 years of love in spite of obstacles.  

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Washed by Tears

"There is an ancient tribal proverb I once heard in India.
It says that before we can see properly we must first shed
our tears to clear the way."
Libba Bray

Living a good life does not suggest living without pain or sorrow.  Crisis penetrates unexpectedly and  strengthens the skills for survival.  Inflicted pain harms the body, mind and spirit, but it also accentuates determination and will power.  Grief inflicts loss and after our hearts begin to heal, we begin to see life differently.

We have free choice to either shut down from the world or to open ourselves wider in spite of the emotional risk.  If we can accept what has happened and move beyond the hardship, our newly created energy attracts goodness.

We begin to shift our values and the rewards of life are no longer appearing as money or fame.  Appreciation for small acts of kindness, beauty in nature, and the intriguing stories of others grow in importance.  Our vision is washed by tears, and the depth of life spans before us.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Remarkable Things

"Once I realized it was okay for me to think
about and identify what I wanted, remarkable
things began to take place in my life."
Melody Beattie

Compassion for others may become a detour from tending to our lovely selves.  Love for our fellow human beings is essential, but not at the cost of our own personal growth.  We can be over involved in the trauma of others, and it becomes an escape from dealing with our own life.

We begin to place the desires of others before our own when we do not identify or recognize our own needs.  It is important to uplift, as long as our personal support is in place.  When we first ground (balance or align) ourselves, we have plenty of strength to be shared with others.

What is it you would most like to do?  What is the one thing you always wished you had done?  It is never too late to recapture a lost joy.  Welcome a repressed desire into your life and be amazed by the remarkable things that follow.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Spiritual Forces

"In essence, we are deeper than being;
we are character, which contains forces
of love, justice, kindness, faith, and forgiveness."
Garey Gordon

Mysterious moments in life allow us to feel powerful beyond the physical structure of life.  We are exhilarated as we make choices from our higher self to best meet the needs of others.  When the spiritual aspects of living are flowing, we indeed feel the presence of Divine.

Life presents options and we are faced with choices.  Our chosen actions will either regress our progress or enhance the life experience.  Depending upon our boundaries or the level of awareness  we sustain, freedom of choice determines in which direction we travel.

When we apply our spiritual forces of love, kindness and forgiveness we are helping to create healthy landscapes for others.   Even when we have lost our way, it remains imperative to act with character and integrity.  Together, lifting each other, we take grand strides towards peace on earth.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

No Boundaries, No Safety

"When kids come from an unstable home, it's not unusual 
for them to be afraid of leaving the house.  When they do leave, 
they're afraid of what they will find when they get home.
There are no boundaries in their home, so there's no safety."
Luanne Rice 
Stone Heart

Children are resilient and knowledgable beyond comprehension, especially when regarded as 'kids' who know nothing.  In the earliest stages, infants can detect a sense of safety or neglect.  They are inarticulate, but highly sensitive to emotional atmosphere.

Little toddlers know to cover the face and hide when voices raise in volume and objects begin to break.  They don't understand what is going on, but the building fear inside urges them to act or to act out.  Frequently, inappropriate adult behavior is mirrored in the actions of the impacted child.

It is challenging for both child and adult to leave home when there is no sense of safety.  They have little to no control within the home, so the outside world can be devastating.  The individual who sponges up the violent excess, may believe he or she can control the family by being present.  They are fearful of leaving and experience grave anxiety upon returning home to discover the unwinding abuse.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Lying Never The Safest Exit

"It is not easy to keep silent when silence is a lie."
Victor Hugo

Confrontation frequently stimulates silence, even when the truth is obvious.  We weigh the situation back and forth, wondering which would be more painful ... silence or truth.  We wonder just how much others know and devise a way to minimize our response.

We have been on both sides of truth and silence.  Our kids have misconstrued the truth to weasel out of being grounded while our adult children have altered facts so we are on a need to know basis.  It happens on the job with our boss and regretfully there are times when our best buds don't look us directly in the eye.

We have no control over others so our focus falls to whether or not we remain silent or tell the truth.  Examine the intention to inform and qualify how factual our truth may be.  Respect boundaries, honor the self and act with integrity.  Although it appears to be the easy way out, lying is never the safest exit.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Blending of Differences

"When we are able to look beyond appearances and to behold
that which we truly are, we recognize that our essence is interwoven
with the divine and that we exist as one of its expressions."
Alexandra Katehakis

Imagine being a kaleidoscope and becoming altered with every twist or turn.  In fact, we are multi-sided and our essence does change randomly.  This is easily displayed by asking one question every day and discovering a broad range of responses.  Invariably, the answer will change as our thinking is impacted by our surroundings, emotional makeup, and existing situations.

We are called to be a committed mate, a loving mother, a dedicated employee, and a participant in the circle of our sisters.  We may be narrowly focused until an incident splits our minds wide open to comprehend the variances of outcome. In a split second, with warp speed, we change.

We strive to be the same, to fit the mold, or to fall into the ranks and it is all falsehood.  We are a better team player if we bring our individual strengths to be combined with those of others.  Success is found in the blending of differences not in the duplication of the same.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

We The People

"You are most powerful when you are most silent."  
Alison McGhee

We feel compelled to have an answer, and seldom give ourselves permission to remain silent.  Even when we know a perfect reply we can choose to be quiet.  People expect an answer, yet they are not listening for it.  They are moving on forming their next reply.  They want to fight, argue, disagree or engage.  When we are silent, they are caught off guard.

It becomes interesting when a person perceives silence as ignorance and they ramble on blending fact with fiction.  We can nod our head in affirmation or shake it in disgust, and the speaker will continue on.  We, the people, like to hear our selves talk.

In time, we no longer feel compelled to respond.  We do not need the glory of recognition nor the praise of our peers.  There is a richness to feeling complete just by being present.  Our silence becomes more powerful than words could ever portray. 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Growing Essence

"Your worst sin is a failure to love yourself.
If you loved yourself, none of the rest would have happened."
Luanne Rice
Stone Heart

Chaos does not just happen to us.  It comes deliberately to strengthen our abilities to thrive.  It is a presenting opportunity to step up into what we normally ignore.  Courage and bravery swell whether we begin with baby steps or if we are thrown into a flaming fire.

Life is chaos challenging us to grow fully into our best sense of self.  If we believe or if we have been taught that we are lessen than or lacking intelligence, the struggle is increased and the desire to overcome fades.

When faced with failure, consider it a wake up call to engage passion with desire in spite of what faces us.  When we invite the Universe or Divine Spirit to join us in our seemingly impossible endeavors, we begin to respect and love our growing essence.

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Human Experience

"My personal hobbies are reading,
listening to music, and silence."
Edith Sitwell

Delving into fictional characters, I learn more about my own nature as a human being.  I listen for alliances and notice the stirrings of my heart.  As the story unfolds, I can hear a rhapsody growing between the hero and antagonist.  When the story is complete, I sit in silence to filter through whatever remains.

My imagination supplies each character with an unintended depth and my filtered perceptions cloud the images creating more mystery than intended.  Background music blocks out household and neighborhood noises adding to my reverie.  When I fall into the depths of a writing, it isn't necessarily a simple escape, as much as it is an expanding adventure.  

I can witness horror, beauty, violation, or humor while gathering emotional responses without impacting my body with harm.  I can gently close the graphic designed cover or read the book from front to finish again.  Whatever morsels I  gain eventually float to the surface of my memory, continuously deepening my sense of  life beyond the human experience.