Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Harvest of Goodness

"Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love;
it will all come back to you in abundance.  This is
the law of nature."

Steve Maraboli

When we share a smile or an act of kindness, we immediately feel better.  Loving kindness lifts the spirits of others as well as our own.  Whether we are assisting an elder  or propping up a broken  plant, we are projecting goodness.  If we simply remain open, numerous opportunities come into our lives.

If we become aware the moment a negative remark triggers an upset in our thoughts, words, or actions, we can also be mindful to let it go.  Do not engage before there has been ample time to process appropriately and not simply react thoughtlessly.

Whatever seeds we plant, nurture and tend  will bring us a harvest of abundance.  We can place our energy into offering kindness without giving thought to what we will gain in return.   If we remain open and aware, we will recognize goodness in many disguises. 

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