Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Impedes Our Path

"Every human has an unfathomable gift
that only meeting life head on 
will reveal."

Mark Nepo

A gift is hibernating within us.  We may be aware of it in childhood, but over the years it is buried in the depths of our lives.  We may give pause in an attempt to recall what it is we have forgotten, but the memory is so buried, we are not particularly successful.  In odd moments we may feel something  tickling away at our creative brain, but it is so distant it quickly fades and our monkey minds jump to something else.

Resistance to uncovering our source of joy, prevents us from living authentically.  We may have a sense of a particular strength, but fear of judgment impedes our path.  Some inner part of us becomes sad at our inability to follow through with our hidden desires.  While watching television or a movie, we may hear our selves silently saying, "I have always wanted to do that!"  

When we believe in our worthiness, we become determined  to carve out a chunk of time to hone our skills even if it is on a minor scale.  We begin with what is available to us and work towards something better.  Our inspiration, no matter how small, will bring joy into other areas of our lives, rekindling our hearts desires.

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