Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Way of the Human

Carl Jung:  "the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle 
    a light in the darkness of mere being."
Adam Phillips: "to kindle a light in the darkness of non-being."

Ironic how we spend our earliest years delighted with who we are, special in fact.  Then through educational years, we learn a sense of competitiveness and a straying from our exuberant spirit.  Tossed out into the business world or life with a family, our insides are all garbled trying to settle into one composite.  Time is finally secured to sort through old debris, and uncover our original self.  

Like a child fascinated with a magic marble in his or her hand, we begin to recognize all that lies within.  Understanding takes shape and we begin to respect who we were created to be.  We then take strides to keep enhancing our spirit, hoping for it to stretch and grow.

The next phase brings us a true sense of who we really are ... a piece of the sacred whole.  We respect all things and peoples as we are all one.  We are all a part of each other.  As our inner light magnifies, we walk through our own darkness and accompany others through theirs.  This is the way of the human.

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