Saturday, September 26, 2015

Step Through Fear

"Don't wait for a light to appear at the end of the tunnel,
stride down there and light the bloodily thing yourself."

Sara Henderson

Fear can be more strenuous than gathering courage for moving forward.  Once we take action, our energy can be used to propel us farther into uncertain areas of our lives.   When we remain stuck in fear, our energy is exhausted and we are held captive.  If we start moving, the scenery changes. What we find inside of the tunnel can be a life changing moment or an unsuspected relationship.  We may find ourselves wondering why we had waited so long to initiate the first step.

Our inner light may be just a small flicker, but it never dies completely out.  At times it may be a raging flame, but it can also be the twinkle of a warm glow.  If we place our hand over our heart, and pause for just awhile, we can feel our warmth.  When we close our eyes, we can visualize our light creating it to expand or contract.  Out of kindness, we can bring someone to mind and send them our loving light.  We can extend our light to anything ... people, plants, earth, or anything in nature.  We can carry our light throughout our homes, cleansing it of any angry words, or frightening thoughts.

We are never alone, not really.  The Divine light within us awaits recognition and moves with us in all things whether we remain cognizant or not.  Bring awareness to the light, and step through fear.

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