Saturday, September 12, 2015

Earth Keeps Spinning

"In my better sense of mind, I know that I'm far from alone and 
far from the worst, and the earth keeps spinning.  Everything 
keeps moving, with or without me."

Phil Anselmo

You do not feel the hard knot by my brow, nor do you see the bruises on my skin.  The pain streaking up my arm is not heard nor the piercing of my breast.  I have fallen yet again and the puzzle of it all keeps me spinning.  

As I whimper, my eyes remain tightly closed as if to deny this incident in full.   I focus on not spinning, hoping to make sense of this waking dream. This being cast to the ground has such a sense of humiliation and vulnerability, which I do not understand at all. 

Gratitude for the quickness of earth angels to be present as I lie in pain, unable to breathe. What magic in the discovery that both were nurses.  Even a paramedic idling near by stayed in my presence until I could deeply breath again.  

Cars raced by as the airplane continued on its path in the sky.   Clouds came together and then parted, allowing the sun beams to fall from the sky.  Broken glasses in hand,  I returned to my home and  scuttled to my room.  Layered with ice packs and heating pads, the world continued to spin ... without me. 

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