Thursday, September 10, 2015

Authentic Light of the Heart

"Beauty is not in the face;
Beauty is a light in the heart."

Kahlil Gibran

Loving relationships offer open hearted acceptance.  We move beyond the exterior manifestation, into the hearts of those before us.  We engage with the cores of others and discover the authentic lights glowing within.  Afflictions, shapes, colors, and language fall to the way side in route to the core of the being.

The person before us, when dwelling from his or her heart, shines a captivating warm light allowing us to feel connected.  The light is similar to a tunnel as we can gently follow it, discovering the authenticity of each person.  On this journey of relationship, we may see scars or wounds never healed from challenges and we may hear the sounds of loss or grief.  Each depicts the survival of a trial leading to the bridge of new hope.

When we stand in the light of the heart, we understand the chemistry between us.  We acknowledge differences but they are far less than what we share in common.  Our authenticity creates a curiosity to truly grasp the amazing souls of each other.

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