Friday, September 4, 2015

Series of Completion

"Life is a full circle,
widening until joins
the circle motions of the infinite."

Anais Nin

The circle is one of the most recognized ancient symbols.  It can be displayed in art, architecture, fabric or graphic design, gardens and the list continues.  A circle can be the continuation and recycling of movement or the no beginning and never ending pattern into the infinite.

We believe we have mastered a challenge and learned  from its depth only to discover it to reappear.  The pattern of behavior comes in a different disguise so we don't recognize it until  another circle of completion. 

When we find ourselves arriving at a completion of any kind, it benefits us to simply acknowledge  the completion.  We can pause and recognize the skills and tools we put to use and if we used our energy for courage or fear.  We can compare it to other puzzles we have completed to recognize a particular theme or unfolding wisdom.  

The on going circle of life spins into infinity, touching ourselves as well as any object created by the Divine.  Whether it is a rock or bug, sun or moon, water or fire, circulation spins our lives into series of completion.

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